Recommended keeping yourself healthy.


Keeping KDC Healthy


Dear KDC Community, 

Welcome back to Term 3. It looks like we have walked back in to a concerning time of rising COVID, flu and cold cases. Getting us through the next 4 - 6 weeks in good shape will take a concerted effort from all of us. About 12 students have reported that they are COVID positive from the holiday period and three staff are away due to COVID. We got through last term without having to implement many of the unpalatable staffing strategies that other schools are being forced to - combined classes, out of subject teachers or mass baby-sitting sessions supervised by Principals. If we are to continue to avoid this, we need a big community effort from all of our staff and students. Please have a look at the attached list of strategies. If we all work together, we have a chance at keeping KDC healthy and functioning over the rest of winter. 


Thanks for your support, 

Linda Maxwell