Middle School

From Year 8 Moss

Our focus for Home Group this year has been the theme, “Flourish”. We have been looking at what it looks like to “flourish” together, supporting one another through the ups and downs of the journey. One aspect of “flourishing” we have been looking at is through positive connection with others. It is our hope that as a Home Group this year, we will grow together, encourage one another and build a sense of community and belonging. 

'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.' Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

One of the ways we have established community in our Home Group so far is getting to know each other through devotions, games and a photobooth activity. These photos will be displayed in our Home Group and a few have been selected to share with you in today’s Newsletter. The Year 8s have also shared their thoughts and excitement for the year ahead. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and these photos bring some joy to you!


Felicity Moss

Middle/Senior School Teacher

Year 8 Home Group Teacher


“This year I am looking forward to all the experiences Year 8 has to offer. I am looking forward to new subjects, the Year 8 Camp, the Musical and making new friends. I am so excited to learn new things in all my subjects that are new to Year 8 and I can’t wait for any opportunities that come my way this year! So far I have learnt a lot in Science, Maths, Art, Drama, History, Dance and even more subjects. Something I feel that God is sharing with me is the bible verse Colossians 3:2 (NIV), 'Set your minds on things above...' This bible verse is telling me to set my eyes on God and not worry or stress about anything happening in my life and instead to look to him.” - Adele (Year 8)


“In Year 8 this year I am looking forward to being in the Musical in the creative team because I have never helped out with the creative side of things before. So far, I have learnt that new friends are great because it strengthens your social skills and might help someone who is feeling lonely. I have become more efficient in getting ready for class, and am learning to use my study time more wisely. I have also grown closer to God and learnt more about Him. He is always there for you, even when you feel completely alone. Matthew 28:20 (NIV) says “...I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” meaning God is ALWAYS there, forever.” - Annabelle (Year 8)


“This year I am looking forward to trying new experiences, subjects and events. I am excited for the Year 8 Camp and making new friends in a new Home Group. As much as I enjoyed last year, I am looking forward to being in Year 8 and all the opportunities and new subjects that I can be a part of this year such as Dance, music productions and more. I am looking forward to meeting new people, such as teachers and students. I have already found myself enjoying my year in Year 8 and growing further into my Middle School years at Emmaus.” - Jennifer (Year 8)


South Plympton - Makerspace Term 1

During weeks 6-10, students in Years 8 to 12 are invited to join Makerspace. Come along and make a laser-cut sculpture, shelf or storage during Wednesday lunchtimes.


Signup cut-off is today, if your child is interested, please encourage them to join the Google Classroom with this code: lktmchz.

For any queries please email David Chu at dchu@emmauscc.sa.edu.au