Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Tiana Cambareri, Year 5/6 Teacher, Brooklyn Park

Building a positive classroom culture in Year 5/6 Cambareri

The beginning of the year has been an exciting time of new opportunities to develop relationships with our peers and teachers. A major focus over the past four weeks has been building a positive classroom culture that will set us up for the rest of the year. We have cohesively come together, as a team, to create shared goals for the year. We have begun to know each other better (and our quirky attributes), discovered what Year 5/6 is all about and begun to work together in groups, to achieve our learning goals. 


“Each morning we do devotions and, depending on what day it is, we do our morning activities. We have Mood Tracking Monday, Think Outside the Box Tuesday, Would You Rather Wednesday, Thankful Thursday and Fearless Friday. I really enjoy them because we don’t have to start work straight away and we can reflect on our morning, sleep and the day before” – Lieschen (Year 6)


“In daily devotions, we get to learn more about God and get closer to Him. This helps our class be a team because we learn to love each other” – Tyler (Year 5)


“We also get to learn and read about the scriptures in the Bible” – Matias (Year 5)


“Each morning we pray for our day, our class and do our daily routines. This makes me feel happy because we can have fun and settle for the day” – Zach (Year 5)


“In Week 1 and 2, we had to write about the friends we want in our books and talk about how we will be a good friend” – Kingston (Year 6)


“We talked about ourselves in our Silhouette Autobiographies” – Mia (Year 5)


“I feel included and ‘get to know you’ activities helped me to get to know the people in my class” – Daniel (Year 5)