Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Meet the Teacher

We will have a 'Meet the Teacher' meetings this week. These meetings are an opportunity to 'meet' the teacher and learn about the programs, curriculum and and expectations for each grade and class. This is a general information session. If you would like to speak to the teacher more specifically about your child, then please make a separate appointment, at a time that is suitable to you and the teacher.


Formal Parent/teacher interviews for individual students will take place at the end of the term. 



We are moving to the Sentral Parent Portal app, so that parents and carers can communicate with their child's teacher.  Details about how parents can access the Parent Portal are in this Newsletter.


School Photos

A note and flyer was sent home last week about School Photos. All orders are to be completed online. NO MONEY or ORDERS are accepted at the office. Orders must be directly through the 'School Photographer'.


Student Safety and supervision


Students should not be dropped off at school until 8.40am, unless they are attending an event or excursion. They should also be picked up promptly each afternoon. The bell goes at 3.10pm. If you have to go to work early or finish late, please contact our 'Out of School Hours Care' provider on 96103892. They operate from 7am and 6pm on weekdays and can be accessed on the Edensor Road side of our school. There are fees for the service.


If you are going to be late, please phone the school office. Being late should not be a regular occurrence. We will contact families directly if your child is picked up late on several occasions. The local park is not a suitable place for students to wait and play without supervision.


The “NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook” is a comprehensive and free resource to assist parents, carers as well as teachers on a range of topics essential to child safety. Please follow the link to access this digital resource.



Quote for Week 5

“There is nothing more precious to a parent than a child, and nothing more important to our future than the safety of all our children.”

William J. Clinton