College wide news

It's been a whirlwind of busyness at Glenroy College this term, with incursions, excursions, NAPLAN testing and plenty of exciting new ideas and experiences to help our students learn and grow. 

2023 Student leaders announced

Congratulations to our 2023 student leaders and to Kayla Harrison and Jouri Odicho who are our Year 12 captains. We are very fortunate to have an amazing Junior Leadership Council and Senior Executive Council. Our student leaders helped organise Harmony Day and International Women’s Day activities at our College, with more fun events to come.

Some Year 9, 10 and 11 students will attend the GRIP leadership conference on 29 March to enhance their leadership skills. They will then teach these skills to all our student leaders via a leadership workshop. 


Junior Leadership Council


Year 7

Abdul Arjan

Rudra Nayak

Amira Najar Kassir

Saliha Guler

Aymen Moustafa

Marcus Gionfriddo-Tadic


Year 8

Millie Dess

Jade Lazarro

William D'Avoine

Christopher Clarke


Year 9

Abu Bakr Raica

Hayley Lazzaro

Jez Jones

George Adamopoulos

Muhammad Khan


Senior Executive Council


Year 10

Houssian Cheik

Foster Wright 


Year 11

Angus Simmon- Woods

Alishba Tauseef

Bahaa Abdallah 

Sanadhee Ariyathilaka 

Sailesh Gautam


Year 12

Kayla Harrison 

Jouri Odicho 

Teejay Sitagata 

Benjamin Clarke

International Women's Day

Earlier in March, we celebrated International Woman's Day (IWD). This global day recognises the achievements of remarkable women from all over the world and shows support for gender equality. Students took part in a bunch of fun games on the library lawn in honour of the day. But these games came with a twist - they were all designed to show what equity looks like in the real world.


Our neighbours at the Mulberry Community Garden also invited Glenroy College students and Principal Andrew Arney to a special IWD morning tea. The gardens are a hidden gem right next door to the College. Our student leaders were treated to a delicious spread and got to tour the gardens and meet some of the people who cultivate the grounds. We're looking forward to more collaborations with this wonderful community group in the future.


Harmony Day

Did you know that more than 24 different languages are spoken at Glenroy College? That's just one of the interesting facts that was unearthed as the entire College came together to celebrate Harmony Day. Students were invited to come dressed in their cultural clothes or casual dress, with a splash of orange to show their opposition to racism and cultural intolerance. Students queued for henna painting and got to try their hands at African drumming and other cultural activities before tucking into a sausage cooked by our very own multitasking principal, Mr Arney. Check out all the fun in the picture gallery below.

The future is science

A group of our top-performing Year 7-10 students visited the STEM Centre of Excellence (SCOE) at Melbourne University last week for a special Future Focus science workshop. They were able to mix with students from Pascoe Vale Girls College, John Fawkner Secondary College and Coburg High School to hear about the new inventions in improving energy. They investigated and designed some amazing items using flexible solar panels and solar retaining glass, which could be put to use in their schools in the future. 


Overdue library book hunt

A reminder to families that bills will be sent home in coming days for overdue library books that have still not been returned to our College library, despite regular reminders from the library desk. Please help your child have a look at home for missing books and return them to the library by the end of the week to avoid a bill. 

Parent teacher interviews coming up

Parent teacher interviews will be held on May 4, after the term break so please save the date. Interviews will be offered to families in person here at Glenroy College or online. This is an important chance to meet with your child's teachers and find out how they are doing at school, to set some goals or to ask any questions you might have about their learning. Information on how to book times with your child's teachers will be shared via XUNO soon. 

Holiday times

The final day of Term 1 is Thursday, April 6. Students will be dismissed from the College at noon. Term 2 begins for all students on Monday, April 25. Have a safe term break.