
What is Happening in English English
It has been an exciting and smooth start in English this year with students delving into their first units. Year 10, students have been building their contextual understanding of the text To Kill a Mockingbird and Year 12 students have worked hard to construct their creative pieces in response to the film Sunset Boulevard.
Our students have written reflections of their first week back in the English classroom:
In the first week of Year 10 English, we started by reviewing our lesson plan, and key dates for assessment tasks. We then wrote a profile indicating our learning style, strengths, goals, and interests, in order to help our teachers, get to know us and how to best accommodate our learning. We researched the backstory of To Kill a Mockingbird’s Author Harper Lee and discussed how that inspired her writing. To end our first week, we took part in an interactive lesson, we were given statements relating to the themes in To Kill a Mockingbird, we then stood in different areas of the room based on our opinions as we shared them, encouraging us to use creative thinking when considering contrasting points of view.
Savannah Ferguson
We have begun Year 12 with a great start to the creative response task. Our class felt like a team, having deep discussion of the context and themes of the film text Sunset Boulevard with opportunities for visual learning and group work. The activities have been extremely engaging to help understand and enjoy the work. our teacher has broken down big blocks of information into bite size chucks to support us with understanding the mentor text and approaches to writing creatively.
Maya Faddoul
We are looking forward to a successful year of learning in English and cannot wait to share with you many highlights and achievements along the way.
Ms Sarah Wilson
English Leader