
Mrs Kelly Clunn and Ms Natalie LaGarde | Assistant Principal's Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Team


As the Assistant Principals of Wellbeing, we are so fortunate to work with an amazing and dedicated team of people who are passionate in caring for your young people.


Along with your child’s Home Room teacher, the Stage Coordinators are the key support people for both students and parents.


Stage 4:

Mrs Xiomara Biasotti - Wellbeing Focus
Mr Joshua Higson - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Jo Crowe - Academic Focus
Mrs Xiomara Biasotti - Wellbeing Focus
Mr Joshua Higson - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Jo Crowe - Academic Focus

You can contact Stage 4 Coordinators at: stage4@chevalier.nsw.edu.au



Stage 5:

Mr Tim Small - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Tanya White - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Samantha Painter - Academic Focus
Mr Tim Small - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Tanya White - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Samantha Painter - Academic Focus

You can contact Stage 5 Coordinators at: stage5@chevalier.nsw.edu.au



Stage 6:

Mr Luke Wilson - Wellbeing Focus
Mr Kevin Brooks - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Margaret Maronese - Academic Focus
Mr Luke Wilson - Wellbeing Focus
Mr Kevin Brooks - Wellbeing Focus
Mrs Margaret Maronese - Academic Focus

You can contact Stage 6 Coordinators at: stage6@chevalier.nsw.edu.au


Our college counsellors are also significant members of the wellbeing team, often working directly with the year groups in wellbeing initiatives throughout the year. 

Mrs Sarah Mangelsdorf - College Counsellor
Mrs Felicity Webster - College Counsellor
Mrs Sarah Mangelsdorf - College Counsellor
Mrs Felicity Webster - College Counsellor


We warmly welcome Lisa Williamson who has joined the team as Felicity's replacement for Terms 1 & 2, while Felicity is on leave. 

Student Leadership 


Our College Students Leaders are working hard promoting their portfolios, working on initiatives to support student voice and serving their college community.

Gratitude Jars

One initiative is an activity currently occurring in Home Room – creation of Gratitude Jars.


Research shows that gratitude protects us from stress and helps us focus on what we do have, instead of what we don’t have, helping us to enjoy our life experiences to a greater extent. People who regularly experience and express gratitude tend to be more satisfied with their lives, have stronger emotional connections with others, and give back to society more. 


Each Home Room is decorating their Gratitude Jar and a prize will be awarded for the most creative jar within each House. (photos of examples of jars – will have end of Week 5)

The students have an opportunity to write simple notes of gratitude whilst in Home Room and to place them in the jar. At the conclusion of the term the notes will be placed on a gratitude wall in Home Room and celebrated. 


Positive merits - rewarding students for their strengths

This year has seen the introduction of a positive merits system.  Students have a table pasted into their diary listing the learning dispositions and strengths associated with gaining merits.  When a member of staff witnesses one of these strengths being demonstrated by the student, the teacher stamps the student's sheet. Once the student has 10 stamps, they present this to their Home Room teacher who will present them with a Bronze award. Our first Bronze awards for the year were awarded this week. Once a student has 5 Bronze awards, they give them to their Stage Coordinator who will then present the student with a Silver award. 3 Silver awards will result in a Gold award presented at a whole school assembly. We are also exploring privileges which may come with receiving merits. 


Table of positive attributes, stamps, and first students receiving Bronze awards
Table of positive attributes, stamps, and first students receiving Bronze awards