Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to these students who have received a certificate of recognition


PMMenaalfor being a star student and always striving to do her very best! Your sentence work was brilliant!
PMRadvinfor being a star student and for always making good choices in the classroom and during playtime situations.
PPKaydenfor being an amazing classroom helper. Thank you for looking after our classroom, Kayden!
PPSiqifor pointing at the words and trying to sound out when reading. Great work Siqi!
PWSophiafor showing enthusiasm for every class activity. Well done Sophia!
PWKenfor showing commitment to do his very best in everything. Keep it up Ken!
1GCindyfor consistently applying herself to all set learning tasks and aiming to achieve her very best. Well done Cindy! Keep up the wonderful effort! 
1GHarrisonfor demonstrating great skills in all areas of his learning and achieving an impressive amount of work in each session. Well done Harrison!  
1LRayefor working extremely hard on perfecting her handwriting using the correct letter formation. Well done Raye.
1LNickfor his positive attitude towards his learning and always trying his best. Well done Nick.
1SAdrianfor taking care when doing your handwriting to form the letters correctly on the lines. Keep it up Adrian! 
1SBenjaminfor showing detail when writing your information report about our class. Well done Benjamin!
2FVriddhafor always showing great determination and pride when completing work tasks.
2FClarafor confidently and excitedly sharing some writing you did on the weekend.
2PYaseenfor demonstrating confidence during swimming lessons.
2PChloefor always completing neat and detailed work during Reader’s Workshop.
2QBellafor being persistent and for gaining confidence during swimming lessons. Well done!
2QBaradfor always listening and completing his work to a 5 star standard. Keep up the great work! 
3BRahanfor always having a positive attitude to learning and using every opportunity to learn as much as possible. 
3BOliviafor always displaying the DPS value of pride in every piece of work she does. Keep up the amazing effort Olivia!
3GElinafor your courage and confidence in contributing your ideas in Maths lessons. Keep it up, Elina! 
3GLochlanfor your outstanding Reader’s Workshop visualising post it notes. Fantastic work!
3QMaryfor settling into our DPS community so quickly and showing our school values in all learning areas.
3QTeleahfor using our school values of determination and pride when caring for your things and others. Outstanding effort Teleah.
4MJerryfor showing kindness and care to everyone, both in the classroom and outside in the yard.
4MEricfor using his knowledge and skill in the library to help others with their learning.
4SKate for being a kind, compassionate and thoughtful member of the class. You always goes out of your way to help others. Thanks for being a great role model Kate!  
4SHudsonfor engaging well during class sessions, joining in and completing class work. Keep up the great work Hudson!
4WBAnnafor being such an excellent teacher in showing our class how to use Google Classroom.
4WBAydinfor always being willing to answer questions and showing a positive attitude to learning. You’re amazing!
5CSatiaWelcome Satia to 5C and DPS.
5CKarenWelcome Karen to 5C and DPS.
5ENoahfor ensuring your group stayed on task during the theme activity and giving every member a chance to share. Well done, you worked so well!  
5EJeremyfor always working so diligently in class and helping out around the classroom without being asked. You’re a superstar! 
5KChloefor being helpful and responsible in the classroom
5KEdwardfor always trying his best and working well with others.
6CCyreentrafor working so well this term. She has put  a lot of effort in to all her classwork. She has completed all her class and homework with care and accuracy. She always submits outstanding work and should be commended for her efforts - well done!
6CMiafor always being super helpful and caring, going out of her way to help others! Mia is a great friend to everyone, always encouraging and supporting them!  It is a delight having Mia in the classroom! 
6JSethfor showing excellent responsibility, passion, teamwork and initiative as a chicken monitor. 
6JAlexfor showing excellent comprehension skills in our novel study. Keep up the great work!
6MAlexiafor always putting in her best efforts into every class activity. Well done Alexia! 
6MGirisha for her outstanding effort in her homework task this week. Keep up the great effort Girisha!

Congratulations to these students who have received a certificate of recognition in a specialist class



Artfor her amazing imagination and creativity in Art! Well done Evelyn!



Artfor his improved listening in the classroom and working hard at his table.



Artfor her excellent work ethic. Amyara always tries her best and takes great pride in the presentation of her work. Well done Amyara!



Artfor her neat and organised approach to all learning tasks. Neli loves to help around the classroom too. Well done!



Artfor being actively involved in all our learning experiences. Ashley always presents his work neatly and colourfully. You are amazing Ashley.



Artfor having such a great attitude to school and learning and always giving 100% in all he does. Well done Elijah!



Cultural Studiesfor always working enthusiastically in Cultural Studies. You are eager to share ideas and love learning about other cultures! Well done Ariya! 



Cultural Studiesfor confidently identifying and explaining your cultural background, then colouring the relevant flags beautifully!  Well done!
Zeeshan PPP.Efor his outstanding listening during teacher instruction and always trying his best with each skill being taught. What a star!



P.Efor his insightful contributions to our bike education session. Mika identified a wide range of ideas that help keep us safe while riding. Brilliant job Mika!
Mohamad 5EP.Efor his mature approach to his learning this week in P.E. During our skills assessment, Mohamad and his partner performed all the skills to a high standard and remained focused throughout the session. Well Done!



P.Efor her great focus during our P.E. lesson this week. Miya always listens intently to the teacher instruction and performs all skills with improved technique as a result. Super job Miya!



P.Efor his improved behaviour this year. Laith has made a conscious effort to avoid distractions and has shown pleasing results in P.E. as result. Keep it up Laith!
Thomas 5KP.Efor his amazing focus during our skills assessment this week. Thomas and his partner performed all the skills to a high standard and remained focused throughout the session. Brilliant effort Thomas! 



Sciencefor his consistent hard work and listening during science, well done Joseph!



Sciencefor showing a keen interest in all class work and helping out during science, keep up the good work!



Sciencefor putting in his best effort every lesson, you are a keen learner who always want to know more. Amazing job!



ScienceFor showing a love for learning during science, Quincy is always so interested and puts in her best effort, Well done Quincy! 



Sciencefor his consistent efforts while learning all about natural disasters. Samuel shows focus and interest during science, well done Samuel!
Matthew 1LSciencefor always showing a positive attitude and putting in your best effort during science. Well done Matthew!