Yr. 6 Communication Team

Welcome Night!

At the Welcome night we invited all students and guardians to come and meet the teachers and look at some of the work that the students have been doing in the first week of school and to also have a little look around the classrooms for 2023.


We thank Vicky from Fast Brew Coffee for being available on the night.


This year Project Compassion is about helping people in Indonesia, after the earthquake which killed at least 162 people. Due to the earthquake, Indonesia lost most of their homes and were destroyed and left hundreds injured. We raised $236.10 on 'Zooper Dooper' Day which will be donated to Caritas.


Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, this is when Lent begins. Shrove Tuesday is also known as pancake day. 

People used to make pancakes to use up all of their flour, eggs, fat and sugar, this is the stuff they wouldn’t eat for the forty days of Lent.

This year on Shrove Tuesday we raised $231.85 for Project Compassion.