Year 3/4 Report

The Year 3/4 students have had a fantastic start to the year. We have been very busy settling into our new classes and getting to know each other.
As part of our Inquiry unit on ‘Community’, the 3/4 students have been exploring Australia and Australia’s neighbouring countries. They have investigated the similarities and differences between countries by making comparisons on climate, natural/man-made landmarks, plants, animals, cultures and traditions. Students also learnt about the importance of these countries in relation to Australia. During the next few weeks, students will be preparing for the ‘taking action’ phase of our Inquiry topic, which will showcase all of our learning for this term.
In Numeracy, students have been learning about ‘Fractions’. They have been learning to represent fractions using paper folding techniques. Students have been learning to identify the numerator and denominators of a fraction, compare the size of fractions and place fractions on a number line. Early this term, the Year 3/4 students focused on ‘Addition’. They have learnt and applied both mental and written strategies to help them solve a range of equations. The strategies introduced have allowed students to make connections to prior learning around place value.
It is fantastic to see how engaged and enthusiastic students have been. We are looking forward to a great year ahead.