Junior Unit
Miss McNamara, Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Junior Unit
Miss McNamara, Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
In foundation we have been getting to know each other and our school including going on tours and playing games.
We have been creating lots of different pieces of artwork during maths and literacy that are displayed in our room. During this term we are learning the letters s,a,t,p,i,n and have done lots of learning around the sounds, names and formation of these letters. As part of our maths we have got to sing counting songs, play games including get out of my house and have been introduced to the ipads.
We love spending time with our Grade 6 buddies and have made a Brigidine Cross that we got to keep and created love jars that show off the things we love that we have in common with our buddies.
We love Kelly Sports with Mitch on a Friday and wish it went for longer! The students will love PE with Ms McEvoy, RRRR with Mrs Bennet, Visual Art with Mrs Carmichael and Digital Technology with Mr Davidson on a Wednesday after they have their final rest day next week.
The Year 1 2 classes began the year together enjoying lots of collaborative games and fun activities to get to know each other. We have created self portraits to display in the classrooms.
We have also spent time listening to many different rich texts such as Feathers for Phoebe and explored the characters and descriptive language related to the theme of friendship and that everyone is unique. We used our creative talents to make our own Phoebe bird using visual art elements.
During Inquiry we have spent time exploiting how we grow and change as we get older. This week we conducted an experiment which will help us see how a bean grows into a plant. We planted bean seeds which we will observe over the coming weeks and observe how living things change over time.
We have had the opportunity to work with our Specialist teachers: RRRR with Mrs Bennet, Visual Art with Mrs Carmichael and Digital Technology with Mr Davidson. There was time during our week to also enjoy Physical Education with Mitch from Kelly Sports and Ms McEvoy. We have been lucky to have Toni, Hannah and Leanne H join our class at different times during the week.