The Arts, Technologies, Health & PE
The Year 3 and 4 curriculum further develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity.
Students begin to explore personal and social factors that support and contribute to their identities and emotional responses in varying situations. They also develop a further understanding of how their bodies grow and change as they get older, valuing differences in others.
Throughout the year classes will explore knowledge, understanding and skills that support students to build and maintain respectful relationships, make health-enhancing and safe decisions, and interpret health messages from different sources to take action to enhance their own health and wellbeing.
Health Teachers
T16 & T17- Sofia Andreucci
T18 & T19- Jonathon Lamb
The Arts
The Arts covers the areas of music, dance, drama, visual and media arts.
During the first term, students will be exposed to different areas of The Arts within their own classes as they build their understanding and skills.
Classes will continue during term two, as they work together to build onto their skills and knowledge in a variety of different Arts fields.
Students receive one 50 min Physical Education lesson each week. They will regularly engage in moderate to vigorous aerobic activity and begin to investigate the link between physical activity and health. Competitive games are introduced in a way that develops the idea of sportsmanship including how to behave when you win and when you don’t. We also discuss the contribution rules make to safe conduct in games.
In year 3 and 4, students start to perform a broad range of complex motor skills, mainly in sport-specific situations. They begin to use and understand basic games’ tactics and are encouraged to show fair play and respect to their peers and to officials.
In the second half of Term 1, our lessons will focus on Athletics and tabloid events, in preparation for our School Sports Day on Thursday 29th March, Week 9.
From time to time additional sporting clinics will be conducted by visiting specialist sports development officers.
Students are reminded to wear suitable clothing and footwear to all PE lessons to ensure their full participation. Our Torrens PE lessons are on the following days:
T16 & T17- Monday
T18 & T19- Friday
PE Teachers
T16 & T17- Zoe Patterson
T18 & T19- Courtney Jones
Technologies is divided into two strands -
Design and Technologies and
Digital Technologies.
Some of the learning within this subject are integrated into other areas - especially significant given the chrome book ownership by all students. Digital literacy and safe practises online will naturally be a key focus.
By problem solving during Technologies lessons, students will have the opportunity to use and further develop their decision making and critical and creative thinking. Students will not only need to identify the possible benefits and risks of creating solutions but will also need to consider appropriateness, suitability, sustainability and impact on the future for themselves and others.
Students will also have opportunities to build their knowledge and skills using technical terms and techniques with coding. By independently investigating and exploring algorithms students will be able to successfully code using blocks before moving onto creating sequences of their own.
Technologies Teachers
T16 & T17 - Maria Paladino
T 18 -Courtney Jones
T19 -Cate Berden