HASS, Science and Languages
Students will have two lessons of Science per week on a Monday and Tuesday.
In Science this term our focus will be on Chemical Sciences. We will be exploring how a change of state between solids and liquids can be caused by adding or removing heat. We will also be learning about natural and processed materials and how the properties of those materials influence their use.
In Term 2 our focus will be the Physical Sciences. We will continue our learning about heat and observe how heat can move from one object to another through friction, conduction and electricity. We will also be exploring forces and how they can be exerted from one object to another through direct contact or from a distance.
Throughout the semester students will also be developing their Science Inquiry Skills where they will experience opportunities to conduct scientific investigations, identify questions, make predictions and record observations. They will also be collecting data to identify patterns and compare their findings with their predictions.
Meredith Lang
Students will draw on their growing experience of their community and beyond. They will use information sources and observations to develop understandings about History, Geography and Civics and Citizenship.
Students will have opportunities to develop understanding through key concepts of - significance; continuity and change; cause and effect; place and space; interconnections; roles, rights and responsibilities; and perspectives and action.
Students will be learning how to effectively question, research, analyse, evaluate, reflect and communicate.
This semester the year 3 and 4 students will work together on their units of inquiry investigating Civics and Citizenship followed by Geography.
Language lessons are held in M22. Torrens German lessons are on Mondays and a group of Torrens students attend the Greek Language program each Thursday at 12pm. Please ask about your child’s German and Greek lessons and encourage them to tell you about what they have been learning.
A Google Classroom has been set up for both German and Greek to share announcements, pose questions and give feedback. Students are encouraged to check Google Classroom regularly to access language materials outside of the lesson time and extend their learning beyond the classroom. It is a valuable means of communication where additional information and resources can be shared.
Each class has one 50 minute German lesson per week with Frau Edwards. Lessons include oral interactions; listening and speaking as well as opportunities to read, write and respond to a variety of texts. Students use modelled language to create conversations, pose and answer questions and create their own texts.
Students are encouraged to work together and use new language knowing that practice builds confidence. Repetition, revision and reflection are all important aspects of understanding and being able to recall vocabulary.
Libby Edwards
This year the Greek Language program is in its final year of transition. This means that Greek will be taught over three lessons for existing students in Years 3-7.
This semester students will interact with peers and the teacher in a variety of communicative activities where grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are purposefully integrated. They will primarily engage in a variety of listening and viewing activities, and understand familiar stories, songs and poems.
The students will be encouraged to use Modern Greek as much as possible for classroom routines, social interactions and structured learning tasks while English will be used for discussion, explanation and reflection.
Students will be given opportunities to work independently and cooperatively, further developing their sense of personal as well as group identity. They will participate collaboratively in shared class experiences which involve planning and simple transactional exchanges such as dyeing red eggs at Easter and naming the ingredients and equipment used.
Language concepts and resources will be introduced to manage and complete tasks, and a range of spoken, written, visual and interactive resources, such as YouTube clips and digital games will be provided for self-monitoring and reflection.
Students will use simple language structures, vocabulary and phrases (Σήμερα είναι Πέμπτη, Χρόνια πολλά) and through constant repetition and consolidation students will ask and respond to questions, give information, and read and write simple texts.
This term, students will focus on getting to know their peers and will complete revision tasks and activities based on the numbers, colours and the calendar.
The focus in Term 2 will be on telling the time and using the 5 senses. In addition, the students will also be able to support their learning by working online with Duolingo. This can be accessed both at school and at home. Accounts will be set up for the students to enable me to monitor their progress.
Throughout the semester, students will identify and revise the letters of the alphabet, recognise sound–letter relationships, letter clusters and vowel–consonant combinations,
and use the accent mark appropriately for both pronunciation and meaning.
Year 3 students will be introduced to the double vowel sounds (αι,ει,οι,ου,αυ,ευ) and Year 4 students will consolidate their understanding of these sounds.
Students will further understand basic grammatical features such as the importance of the use of articles (η Ελένη), and apply them in their own speech and writing. They will recognise and use elements of Greek grammar, such as word order, gender and singular/plural forms, to describe people, objects or events.
Students will discuss and begin to explore the significance of certain traditions, practices and values and the language associated with these, such as 25η Mαρτίου, Πάσχα
Due to its popularity last year, OPA Thursday will return and will take place at lunch time once a month in the gym. Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to join in the experience of Greek music and dance.
Voula Pagonis