Welcome back to 2018!
Welcome back!
Torrens staff would like to send a particular welcome to our new families joining us in Torrens. We are also pleased to welcome new teachers into our team - Courtney Jones and Jonathon Lamb. Jonathon has been at the school for many years, most recently in Fisher, and Courtney joins us from Darlington Primary School.
Students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:30am when Yard Duty begins. For the safety of all students we ask that parents make arrangements so that children are not left unsupervised in the school yard.
The school provides a before school care service to ensure that all students are supervised appropriately before 8:30am. Please contact the OHSC on 84435308 to arrange enrolment.
If there is an occasion when students arrive close to, but before 8:30am, it is expected that they wait on the seats next to the flag poles at the front of the school.
Torrens classroom doors will be opened at 8:40am allowing students to organise themselves for the day. If students arrive after 8:50am, they will be marked as late. If students arrive late, they need to sign in at the front office before coming to class. As mornings are busy times for staff, families are politely asked to make an appointment.
Developing independence is a major focus for the students in Torrens. Therefore we encourage them to take responsibility and organise themselves.
Classroom Agreements
During the first few weeks of term, all Torrens classes have been exploring the question, How can we make this community a place where learning thrives? and revisiting the Keys to Success and School Values. These have been used to develop Classroom Agreements.
All LNPS classes use six categories for devising their agreements: Learning, Safety, Treatment, Communication, Conflict (Problem Solving) and Movement. Following discussion and co-construction, the agreements will be finalised and a copy will be inserted in your child's diary.
In addition, children have also discussed consequences matched to the Classroom Agreements. All LNPS classes follow the same procedure to help provide clarity to the agreed expectations. These steps are - Warning, Short Time Out Reflection, Buddy Class Time Out and Office Time Out. Parents will be asked to initial reflection sheets sent home.
All students have a diary to assist them with organisation, record homework and allow for communication between home and school.
Parents can also communicate via email. All absences must be explained.
Year 3/4 Camp Survey
Torrens Teachers are surveying interest in a camp for Year 3/4 in 2018, possibly during Term 2. The camp would be held at a certified camp provider in the Adelaide surrounding area and would be over two days. The focus of the camp will link to our Geography program.
Please indicate your interest on the Camp Form
Goal Setting Conferences
You will soon be receiving information about how to book in for goal setting conferences.
Bookings will be made online at