Music and Concert Band

Welcome to Music at VUSC for 2023, what an exciting year ahead we have for the students!
Instrumental Lessons
If you have enrolled your child to take part in instrumental lessons, your child will be able to find their lesson on their Compass timetable. Voice lessons will start in the coming weeks. Lessons will be loaded at least 3 days before your child's lesson day. We still have some places available for lessons in Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano and Percussion. Interested students should ask for an enrolment form from either the office or the Band Room.
Classroom Teachers for 2023 are as follows:
Robert Breen: Head of Music – Year 7, 8 and 9 Concert Band Program - Low Brass Teacher
Ken Gerard: Year 7 to 9, Contemporary Classroom Music
Fiona Wilson: Senior School Music - French Horn Teacher
Instrumental Music Teachers
Nguyen Pham – Guitar/Rock bands - Senior Campus
Fiona Morris - Flute and Clarinet - Wednesday and Thursday (Both JC and SC)
Liam Krebs – Clarinet and Saxophone - Monday to Wednesday (Both JC and SC)
Ben Cooke - Bass guitar - Tuesday and half Friday (Both JC and SC)
Sam Olivieri – Percussion - Thursday at Junior Campus
Theo Pike - Percussion and Piano - Tuesday and Thursday (Both JC and SC)
Tony Le - Guitar/Rock bands – Tuesday, Junior Campus
Jim Millman – Trumpet - Thursday (Junior Campus) and Voice (Both JC and SC)
Concert Band Program
75 students are enrolled in the elective Concert Band Program in Years 7 to 9. These students will have 3 sessions per week as follows: a weekly small group lesson with the allocated staff members from the above list as well as two classroom lessons during the week as per the table below. The students are required to have their instrument at school for each of these classes and must complete regular private practise either at home or before school as part of the practise club. Practise clubs runs each morning from 7.45am in M block.
Band classes for 2023
Year 7 - Monday and Wednesday
Year 8 - Monday and Thursday
Year 9 – Wednesday and Thursday
Year 7 to 9 Rock Band
Later this term we will be starting a Junior School Rock Band Program. If your child learns Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit or Sings either at school or outside of school, they are invited to join this co-curricular program. Keep an eye out for sign up sheets mid-way through Term 1.
Music Performance Dates
Wednesday 26th April
Anzac Day Service - Period 2 @ JC
Thursday 23rd March
Senior School Soiree 6pm Senior Campus
Thursday 18th May
VCE Assessment Recital 6pm Senior Campus
Thursday 15 & Friday 16 June
Music Camp - Year 7, 8 and 9 Concert Bands
Tuesday 20th June
Junior School Soiree 6pm Junior Campus
Wednesday 9th August (to be confirmed)
Vic Schools Music Festival Geelong - Year 8 & 9 Bands
Thursday 17th August (to be confirmed)
Vic Schools Music Festival, Hawthorn - Big Band
Thursday 24th August
Annual Concert @ Salvation Army Church, Roseleigh Bvld Sydenham
Wednesday 13th December
Graduation and Presentation Evening 7pm
Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions regarding music at VUSC or email Robert Breen –
Robert Breen
Music Leader