Deputy Principal's News

Dear Parents,


Thank you to all the Grandparents and Special People who made it to our assembly and morning tea.  The feeling around the school on the day was amazing, we look forward to the many future opportunities to share how special our school and community are. Thank you to all the Parents in Year 1, who catered for and served morning tea on the day.  We could not have done it without your ongoing support!


On the weekend I was fortunate enough to attend a Family blessing at Majellan House in Brighton.   The blessing is held yearly to coincide with the feast of St Gerard Majella on 16th October. St Gerard Majella is the patron saint for all Mothers.


Families are a special gift!  Each Family is unique, with each member bringing a special gift.  Our students in year 6 are currently preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  The Gifts ofg the Holy Spirit, What special gift do you bring to your family?




Assemblies will be planned and facilitated by the students in year 6 and will take place in the Year 5 space upstairs commencing at 2.45pm.


Friday 25th October - Year 1 and Year 3 classes will be sharing this week


Friday  8th November -   Year 6 and Year 5 will be sharing this week


Friday 6th December - Foundation, Year 2 and Year 4 will be sharing this week


Teaching and Learning

Dear Parents, please find attached the Classroom and Specialist grades overviews for Term 4.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Twitter and Instagram Feeds.  Our Facebook Page is coming soon.

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Kind regards,


Carmelina Corio

Deputy Principal