
The St Fidelis School House System.

This year at St Fidelis we are trying to encourage all students to feel part of their House team. Each student belongs to one of the following houses: Mannix (Green), MacKillop (Blue), Daly (Red) and Lee (Yellow/Gold). Over the course of the year the students from Foundation through to Year 6, will participate in a range of activities where they will work together as a team to develop the skills of cooperation, active participation and listening and learning from others outside of their own grade. Each time an activity takes place students are encouraged to participate and earn points for their team. 

Each fortnight we will focus on one of the ‘Agreed Ways’ of our school and the students will be awarded points when they are seen to be following that focus. This fortnight the students have been encouraged to ‘Follow Directions’. When a member of staff sees a student following directions they will inform the student and award them a point for their House team. At the end of each fortnight the points will be tallied and a winning team will be announced. Starting in Term 2 the winning team of the term will have a morning tea with Mrs Watson as a reward for their efforts.  I ask you to speak with your child about participating in House activities and encourage them to join in and connect with all members of our school community.

National Ride 2 School Day - Friday, March 13th.

Over the last 40 years the number of children who are physically active everyday has significantly dropped. In the 1970’s, 8 out of 10 students rode or walked to school. That has now dropped to 2 out of 10. Students who ride or walk to school contribute to their minimum physical activity level of 60 minutes per day.


On Friday, March 13th, we here at St Fidelis will be participating in the National Ride 2 School Day. We encourage each student to either ride or walk to school on this day. We realise that this may not be possible for some parents however, if you are able we encourage you to support your child to do this. If you drive your child to school on this day you might like to park at least 200 metres from the school and walk together to the school gate.

Premier’s Active April Challenge

It’s time again to register for the Premier’s Active April Challenge.  This is a great way to motivate families to be more active and registering with Active April has many extra benefits. Go to https://www.activeapril.vic.gov.au/ to check our the benefits and registration options.  It’s very easy to do.

You Can Do It! Education

The past three weeks in our You Can Do It lessons the students have been learning about Confidence.  They are learning about the importance of engaging in their learning, not being afraid to make mistakes and developing a healthy self acceptance of their strengths and weaknesses.  Having a growth Mindset is very important in approaching learning with a positive mindset. Here are some ways parents can support their children’s confidence and growth mindset:

The Power of the three letter word ‘YET’.  If your child is having difficulty mastering a task or completing a homework activity remind them that they may not be able to do it YET, but they can improve with assistance and practise 

Acknowledge and praise the effort your child puts into their work or activity not just the finished product

Help your child to develop self-talk strategies such as  “I Can Do It” to promote their confidence to have a go - this may be by sharing stories of times you have had an ‘I can do it!’ attitude to achieve something


This week the children begin their understanding of the importance of persistence.  In You Can Do It! Education, this means ‘working tough’ and ‘giving effort’. This week the students will be exploring behaviour and thinking that promotes persistence. 

You Can Do It! Education

The past three weeks in our You Can Do It lessons the students have been learning about Confidence.  They are learning about the importance of engaging in their learning, not being afraid to make mistakes and developing a healthy self acceptance of their strengths and weaknesses.  Having a growth Mindset is very important in approaching learning with a positive mindset. Here are some ways parents can support their children’s confidence and growth mindset:

The Power of the three letter word ‘YET’.  If your child is having difficulty mastering a task or completing a homework activity remind them that they may not be able to do it YET, but they can improve with assistance and practise 

Acknowledge and praise the effort your child puts into their work or activity not just the finished product

Help your child to develop self-talk strategies such as  “I Can Do It” to promote their confidence to have a go - this may be by sharing stories of times you have had an ‘I can do it!’ attitude to achieve something.

This week the students begin their understanding of the importance of persistence.  In You Can Do It! Education, this means ‘working tough’ and ‘giving effort’. This week the students will be exploring behaviour and thinking that promotes persistence.