R.E News

Pentecost Sunday


Acts 2:1-4

"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them".  


This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. As the Greek meaning of the word implies it is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the pouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples in Jerusalem 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus. It was there that the Church first formed. It is the birthday of the Church with a mission to make disciples of all nations of the earth.


Mass at the Cathedral is 6.00pm on Saturday night (Vigil Mass), 8.00am, 10.00am and 5.30pm on Sunday.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

On June 19 O'Connor is contributing to the Vinnies Winter Appeal. PAC classes have been provided with a basket for contributions of warm clothes and blankets for Vinnies to provide to those in need this Winter. Students are asked to bring in items to fill these baskets. This can take place from now to the 19th of June and after a College liturgy  we will take the baskets to Vinnies to distribute. Please give generously to this appeal.

Tercentenary Celebrations

2019 celebrates 300 years since the death of St John Baptist De La Salle. O'Connor is the unifying of De La Salle College and St Ursula's in Armidale in 1975. O'Connor is on the site of De La Salle College. O'Connor, and the schools that preceded it owe a great deal to the De La Salle Brothers and Ursuline Sisters who led and staffed them.

Founders day this year will be celebrated on July 5. The day consists of an assembly, mass celebrated with Bishop Kennedy, a concert and the traditional Capture the Flag competition. We will also have many guests including students from St Ursula's in Kingsgrove and Brother David Hawke, Visitor for the Asian Pacific Region.


There is still place for pilgrims to attend ACYF in Perth in December. It is a great opportunity to be part of a Diocesan pilgrimage to meet up with Catholics from all over Australia. Those students who have attended ACYF in Adelaide and Sydney say that it is an unforgettable experience.

Mass at O'Connor

Mass continues at O'Connor on a Wednesday at 9.15am. Music is provided by the Beatitudes. Last week Year 10 and 11 celebrated Mass together and the next mass is on June 26 (Year 12). On July 5 the whole College will congregate for the Tercentenary Mass of the death of St John Baptist De La Salle.

Youth Mass

The next Youth Mass at the Cathedral is on June 23 at 5.30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for O'Connor families to come together and celebrate mass. Many of O'Connor students fulfill the various ministries at Mass including providing uplifting music. Make this your mass!



Thank you


Damien Roff