Principal's Report
The final newsletter for Term 3 and it’s Year 12’s final week of normal school, well if it could be called “normal”! As the final week of classes for Year 12 concludes, Cowra High does what it can to make the time enjoyable and memorable for the students. Year 12 revelled in dressing up, whether it was “Bogan” Tuesday or “Wacky” Wednesday, the students took on the joy of their final week. Thursday as a school we farewelled the students with a final assembly. At the assembly, the warmth felt by the student body for Year 12 was obvious. There were lots of good natured humorous speeches by younger students, with an outstanding play on names by Year 11, but above all there was sincere wishes of luck and acknowledgements of the contribution these fine young people have made to Cowra High over 6 years. Today, Year 12 are enjoying their Big Day Out in Sydney with Mr Donnelly their Year Adviser. He has put a lot into leading his year group and I know he truly cares deeply for them. We wish all Year 12 the very best for their upcoming HSC exams. Study hard and reap the rewards.
Last week Cowra High students travelled to Kelso High for the first round of the annual CKC Cup, a sporting exchange based around the fun of sport. We won some of the matches and we lost some, but in the true spirit of the competition, we don’t keep a tally. Rather we consider we have been successful when we observe sportsmanship and fun on the field. I’m pleased to report that we were highly successful. The first Tuesday Term 4 will see Canobolas High visit us for the final round. I’m looking forward to showing off our students’ respectful and responsible behaviour.
Congratulations to Ashleigh Saunders as our 2018 Seikei High exchange student. We had a very difficult decision with two excellent students vying for the coveted honour of representing us for 12 months in Japan. It’s unfortunate that we can only have one.
I also congratulate our Year 7 & 8 Girls and 9 & 10 Boys netball teams. Both won their respective division in the State playoffs. Well done, a great accomplishment.
I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday. Remember Term 4 starts on Monday 9 October for all students.
Have a great fortnight.
Charles Gauci
Congratulations to our wonderful students who were rewarded for their respectful and responsible behaviour at our PBL Draw this morning.
Left to right: Eliesha Kitchingman, Blake Thomas, Jaiden Farrell, Tiffany Bartolo, Rachael Graham, Tayla Garratt, Brady Barlow, Banyette Bohman, Pat Hutchison, Jackson Oliver, Kyle Diamond Squires, Lucy Wilson, Kayla Gorham, Jackson Vallely.
We would like to thank our PBL sponsors, Mr Embroidery Cowra, Bushmans Boots and All Cowra, Subway Cowra, Domino’s Pizza Cowra, 131Pizza Cowra, Sportspower Cowra, McDonalds Cowra and The Cowra Services Club.
Your ongoing support is fantastic and the kids really appreciate it.