School Council Update

School Council
Each year our school council approves our school budget and the changes to the Parent Payment Policy last year has meant a significant change to the way our school prepares the these budget.
Each year Victorian Government Schools receive an allocation of funding from the Department of Education. This funding covers the cost of our Teaching Staff and also limited money to help cover the cost of utilities and maintenance. All other funding is raised through Parent Payments and covers the cost of everything else around the school, including classroom furniture, classroom supplies, ICT equipment, additional repairs/maintenance, and much more to allow us to run our outstanding educational programs.
School Council would like to thank all of the families that have already made Parent Contributions in 2022. Every dollar counts for our school, so if you haven't made a contribution we would greatly appreciate it. Parent contributions can also be made via Compass or call the office on 98272959.
For your information here are our 2022 School Council Members are - School Council President – Alicia Brown
Vice President – David Clark
Treasurer – Shweta Garg
Parent Representatives – Melanie Beynon, Laura Murphy, Rashi Prasad, Helena Gaettner, David Loiacono
DET Representatives – Sharon Wildermuth, Suada Dzaferovic,Luke Fletcher, Elizabeth Exintaris.
If you ever have any questions please talk to one of our School Councillors.
School Council Sub-Committee
A part of School Council is the formation of our sub-committees to support the work of the school and the School Council. If you would like to get involved and have expertise in a particular area we would welcome you to join the sub-committees in the following areas -
- Finance
- Events, Marketing and Fundraising
- Policy Review and Development
- Student Learning and Wellbeing
- Buildings and Grounds
Click here for more information about sub-committees. Please email the school at if you would like to join one of our sub-committees.