General News

TPS Election Day Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall Saturday 21 May
Have you decided what you are going to make for the TPS Election Day Bake Stall? Each family has been sent home a 'baking pack' in your child's school bag. If you have misplaced your pack, we have spares at the office. Please deliver your baked goods to the school kitchen from 8:30am on Friday 21 May. Make sure you follow the instructions so they are beautifully presented and have ingredients clearly labeled. There will be one prize for each year level for the tastiest looking baked item, which will be announced at assembly that day. If you're looking for inspiration, check out the recipes by clicking here .
Parent Helpers Required
Time to roll up your sleeves...we need more helpers on Election Day, throughout the day. There are lots of jobs; behind the BBQ, selling cakes and drinks or simply setting up or cleaning up. Come as a family team, it would be wonderful to have students representing the school at the cake stall. You can sign up here:
It's a fun, community day to be involved in!
Education Week
As part of Education week you are invited into your child's classroom on Tuesday 24 May from 9am to 9.45am to participate in activities organised by your child's classroom teacher. You are also invited to our Maths evening on Thursday from 5pm to 6pm.
Walk to School Day
On Friday 20th May, it is walk to school day. This event is to encourage all students to walk, ride or scoot to school. From this day we will be keeping a tally of how many students walk ride or scoot to school till the following Friday. The class who has the most students walk, ride or scoot to school will win a prize!
To kick start this event, we will have a walking school bus supported by Prahran police who will be there to chat to students and support the event.
Students and their parents can meet Miss Segrave and Prahran police on the corner of Tintern Avenue and Toorak Rd at 8:15am on May 20th.
We will then walk to school along Toorak Rd before turning into Mathoura Rd, then up Brookville Rd to school where there will be a tasty snack waiting for students who have walked.
Year 6 Graduation Raffle
The Year 6’s are hosting a raffle to raise funds for their graduation at the end of the year. Students will be selling tickets on QkR, at the election on Saturday and they will also be going around to classrooms on Friday. Tickets will be $2 for one or $5 for three tickets. Some amazing prizes have been organised with 1st Prize being a 2 night stay at accommodation in Lorne, 2nd Prize is a beautiful ChocaMama Hamper and 3rd Prize is a Bundle Set from Market Bag Co. If you would like to purchase tickets, please send money in with your child on Friday to help support our Year 6 students or purchase on QkR.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Issue 4 Book orders can be made online. Click here for the brochure. Orders close Friday 10 June. Please note, the brochure may be slow to download.
Camp Dates
Grade 5 Ski Camp - Tuesday 19 July to Friday 22 July
Grade 6 Ski Camp Group - Tuesday 2 August to Friday 5 August
Grade 6 Canberra Camp - Monday 3 October to Friday 7 October
Grade 4 Camp Rumbug - Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 October
Grade 3 Ace High Ranch Camp - Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 November
Foundation to Grade 2 X-Country
Students from Foundation to Grade 2 will participate in house X-country on Brookville oval this Friday 20 May.
Foundation to Grade 1 - 12pm to 12.50pm
Grade 2 - 2pm
Students are to wear their house coloured top. You are welcome to cheer along child!
Runners Club
Runners club this Friday 20 May has been cancelled due to District X-Country. Under normal circumstances, runners club operates on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8.30am to 8.45am. All students are invited to participate.
Dental Van Visit
The date for the dental van visiting our school has changed. The van will now visit on Monday 5th September.
Wildlife Xposure Incursion
Foundation students enjoyed an incursion presented by Wildlife Xposure. There was a wonderful array of animals that students were able to touch and hold including a giant python!