A Snapshot of Learning by Grade1



Maths On The Move Around Town 


Engagement for students’ in the mathematics curriculum has become an essential element in schools. One way to promote student motivation is to engage students in meaningful mathematical tasks such as the inclusion of maths trails. 


 A number of studies recognised that maths trails have an important part in contemporary teaching and learning of mathematics and that there are many benefits for students of any age. (Cahyono & Ludwig 2018,  Davies, 1995, English, Humble, & Barnes, 2010, Richardson, 2004, Smith & Quebec 2012.)


Engaging students as active participants in maths trails has many benefits. A few of these benefits are social interactions with teachers, parents and peers, engagement in maths tasks and lastly the many wonderful opportunities for students to make genuine connections with mathematics in the real world. 


Our one of a kind Mathematical Program called Maths On The Move Around Town has been designed to engage students in the early years schooling. The Grade 1 students this term are participating in Maths Trails outside the school grounds around Rowville. 

Maths On The Move Around Town (MOTMAT) and had been specifically devised for five to eight year olds by the School Maths Leader and the Grade one classroom teachers at St Simon’s. 


Last week, the Grade 1 students were engaged in investigations related to the Mathematical concept of length in the nearby park of Arcadia Recreation Reserve. 

The Grade 1 students worked in small groups alongside their teacher, the School Maths Leader and our wonderful families to find objects that were longer or shorter than their piece of string. 


A huge thank you to all the families who joined us for Maths On The Move Around Town last week, the students were so excited to be learning alongside you. 



Monica Rayner 

School Maths Leader 


Miss Tarlinton , Mrs Gill, Mrs Kupiec and Ms Tiberi 

Grade 1 classroom teachers


Monica Rayner 

School Maths Leader