From the Principal's Office

Mr Chad Harris

Welcome to Week 5



NAPLAN writing, reading, language conventions and numeracy online testing occurred recently. This was the first time that our school has participated in this process. The testing was a very smooth process with the new computers and network upgrade proving they were up to the task. The online testing allows for a quicker process for marking with results expected in a few weeks rather than months. 



From next Monday, the canteen will be operating out of the breakfast club. There will be a modified menu available for the week as the staff have limited cooking facilities. There will be no online ordering for the week. The canteen is being refitted with new benches, flooring, and splashbacks. The work is scheduled to take one week with contractors working weekends to ensure minimal impact to our students.


Student Achievement

A number of our students have recently represented our school at debating, cross country, soccer and netball. Our students displayed exceptional sportsmanship and represented the school with pride. Congratulations to all these students on their efforts.  Good luck for your upcoming events.


Reminder - Covid-19 Procedures

From Week 1 of Term 2, students and staff who are identified as close contacts will be able to attend school with the following risk mitigations in place:

  • You must notify the school and/or early childhood education (ECE) service provider  (including their outside of school hours care provider) if you are intending to return to  school.
  • You/your child should conduct a daily rapid antigen test (RAT) and receive a  negative result each morning before attending school for 5 subsequent school days as part of your personal responsibility to minimise the risk of transmission.
  • Staff members and high school students must wear a mask indoors at all times  except when eating or exercising. Primary school students are recommended to wear a  mask indoors at all times (except when eating or exercising).
  • No student or staff member identified as a close contact will be permitted to  participate in overnight excursions, including school camps.
  • Students and staff in SSPs or support classes who utilise assisted transport and are  identified as close contacts must not attend school during this time.
  • Visitors in contact with students including volunteers, allied health partners and staff  providing professional learning who are close contacts should conduct a daily RAT and return a negative result before attending a school. They must also wear a mask indoors at all times (except when eating or exercising) if they are 12 years old or over. If attending a school site and interacting with students for an extended period of time, the visitor should advise the school that they are a close contact.
  • In line with these changes, students with health conditions should speak with their  treating medical practitioner or specialist to review their health support plan or  COVID-19 action plan and speak with the school around any local considerations.
  • Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). The department will continue to supply RAT kits to students and staff to support symptomatic testing and testing for close contacts returning to school (as mentioned above). Once these department-supplied RATs are exhausted, please continue to access PCR tests and store-purchased RATs which are now readily available in the community or let the school know that you need more and we will try and assist.