Darwinia House

Hello! My name is Jenita R, Year 12 SRC for Darwinia.
In the past couple of weeks, we as a House have had meetings with the other SRCs from Years 7 to 12, House Captains and House Leadership Team. We discussed many ways on how our house can have improvements, or just an update on things in the House already. We also came up with ideas and activities which would not only be enjoyable, but also inclusive as students from across the school were invited to take part in these activities.
We recently ran a raffle, where any student (no matter their house) was able to take part in. We raised a total of $90, which will fund future activities. All proceeds collected will be donated to our charity of choice, Backpack 4 Kids. Many of these planned activities will involve students from across all Houses to take part in.
As many of you know, on the 24th of May we had Athletics and it was a great day for all Darwinias as we placed second. The amount of achievements and success Darwinia had along this hard journey to reaching the podium from becoming last is a proud achievement as a Darwinia student representative. Having this experience is something I've always wanted. The hard work that all Darwinians put in on the day is nothing but amazing and I am very proud to be from this special house.
Jenita R
Year 12 SRC
Darwinia House