From the Principal

Term 2, as always, has ended in a whirl of assessment, exams and reports for staff and students.
Congratulations to Year 7 and Year 9 who completed NAPLAN in May. The process went incredibly smoothly, despite being online for the first time. Even though there were ongoing interruptions during the testing process, due to COVID, Flu and Gastro, we achieved an over 93% completion rate, which was outstanding. We are due to receive results much earlier this year, due to the digital format and reports should be sent to schools and parents in August.
Year 10 and 11 students have now completed their practice exams and received feedback on their progress from their teachers. Year 12 students are regularly practicing exam questions in their Supported Study tutorials each week. This opportunity is critical to ensure senior students are adequately prepared for their final exams in November and I would ask all parents to ensure their children attend and engage in all their Learning Excellence sessions. Feedback from families in 2021 confirmed that the LEP was a “game changer” for many, in maximizing student achievement and providing targeted, individualized support.
A highlight for me in the final weeks this term, has been attending the Year 11 Leadership camp in Melbourne CBD. I and Julian Hill, the Federal MP for Bruce, shared our leadership learning and experiences and answered questions from the 73 participants. I was impressed by the level of engagement by student after 2 activity filled days and the thoughtfulness of their responses. Julian Hill was also “blown away” by the depth of questions he received and assured me, that with “young people like these, student leadership at Dandenong High School is in safe hands”.
Finally, I would like to thank families for their ongoing support and wish you all a restful holiday.
I look forward to welcoming everyone back next term, relaxed, energized and once again ready for learning.
Best Wishes
Susan Ogden