Careers News

Work Experience at Dandenong High School
Work Experience is a great opportunity to be immersed in a workplace and to get a feel for whether that career is for you. You will likely have the opportunity to learn some new skills and experience what it’s like in a real workplace.
Work Experience at Dandenong High School can be undertaken in any year from 10-12. Students can complete from 1-5 days at a time that suits both the employer and the student. Students must speak to their House Leadership to ensure that the proposed dates do not clash with important school activities. Before commencing Work Experience, there is a Work Experience Arrangement Form that must be completed and returned to the school to be signed by the Principal. In addition to that, there are safe@work modules that must be completed depending on your chosen area of work. Your teacher in Careers Education class should be able to assist you with information around these requirements.
Speaking to friends and family about their jobs will help you with your career ideas and they might have some contacts to set you up with a placement. Networking is often a very successful way to find a work experience or any job opportunity.
Alternatively, a virtual work experience can provide you with lots of experience, without any of the hassle of getting to the job and missing out on school. Dandenong High School provides all senior students with access to The Careers Department, which has amazing virtual work experiences. These range from 1 hour to 20 hours and can be completed anytime that suits you. Ask your Careers Education Teacher for information.
The Dandenong High School Careers Office is located in the Jacaranda Building. We are available to support you to explore your future career pathways.
Melinda Pepprell
Careers Team Leader