Student Awards
Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility,Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Ayden James | For always trying his best in all learning areas. | Jonny Starcic |
PB | Elsie Collins | For always trying her best in all areas | Marcus Watton |
PC | Summer Halfhyde | For always striving to do her best and being a role model for her peers. | Imogen Goodwin |
1A | Patrick Stone | Working hard to achieve his writing goal and ensuring he always begins his writing on the margin. | Harper Perryman |
1B | Logan Chandrasegran | For being a responsible learner and making excellent connections in Reading. | Fletcher Altham |
1C | Max Elliott | For making good improvements with his Reading. | Sela McLeod |
1D | Euan Palser | For always being prepared and organised every morning when arriving to school. | Amelia Faltiska |
2A | Alexander Altieri | For showing such incredible enthusiasm during writing and writing everyday for enjoyment. | Xanthe Sheehan |
2B | Tanner Cusack | For showing great improvement in Reading | Tylah Ford |
2C | Charlie Dobson | For showing enthusiasm with mathematics and helping his peers with subtraction. | Lucy Hodges |
3A | Chase Robertson | For being a great role model in class, and always asking to do extra things to help around the classroom. | Nevee Woods |
3B | Amarni Castle | For showing great improvement in Reading. Well done! | Noah Lancashire |
3C | Tiana Abela | For working hard on her persuasive writing! | Amara Truscott |
4A | Brodie Dillon | For displaying a huge improvement in his reading. | Alice Pearson |
4B | Millie Stewart | For her willingness to ask and answer questions during class discussion. | Harvey Wellington |
4C | Jake Barnard | For working hard on his book report. | Lillian O’Doherty |
5A | Callum Woods | For his contribution to our class novel discussions. | Macy Harvie |
5B | Archie Lane | For always endeavouring to complete his homework tasks each night. | Isla Kerr |
5C | Emily Wilkie | For monitoring meaning and thinking outside of the box during class novel discussions. | Jax Skidmore |
6A | Ebony Fenn | For working hard to complete high quality portfolio tasks. | Chloe Adamo |
6B | Nate Chapman | For showing concentration and determination to complete his PAT Reading Assessment. | Matilda Debono |
6C | Isabelle Fowler | For applying herself well to her reading assessment. | Mckinley Wilson |