Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.




Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility,Being Safe and Being a learner.



PAAyden JamesFor always trying his best in all learning areas.Jonny Starcic
PBElsie CollinsFor always trying her best in all areasMarcus Watton
PCSummer HalfhydeFor always striving to do her best and being a role model for her peers. Imogen Goodwin
1APatrick StoneWorking hard to achieve his writing goal and ensuring he always begins his writing on the margin.Harper Perryman
1BLogan ChandrasegranFor being a responsible learner and making excellent connections in Reading.Fletcher Altham
1CMax ElliottFor making good improvements with his Reading.Sela McLeod
1DEuan PalserFor always being prepared and organised every morning when arriving to school.Amelia Faltiska
2AAlexander Altieri For showing such incredible enthusiasm during writing and writing everyday for enjoyment.Xanthe Sheehan
2BTanner CusackFor showing great improvement in ReadingTylah Ford
2CCharlie DobsonFor showing enthusiasm with mathematics and helping his peers with subtraction. Lucy Hodges
3AChase RobertsonFor being a great role model in class, and always asking to do extra things to help around the classroom.Nevee Woods
3BAmarni CastleFor showing great improvement in Reading. Well done!Noah Lancashire
3CTiana Abela For working hard on her persuasive writing! Amara Truscott
4ABrodie DillonFor displaying a huge improvement in his reading.Alice Pearson
4BMillie Stewart For her willingness to ask and answer questions during class discussion.Harvey Wellington
4CJake BarnardFor working hard on his book report.Lillian O’Doherty
5ACallum WoodsFor his contribution to our class novel discussions. Macy Harvie 
5BArchie LaneFor always endeavouring to complete his homework tasks each night.Isla Kerr
5CEmily WilkieFor monitoring meaning and thinking outside of the box during class novel discussions.Jax Skidmore
6AEbony FennFor working hard to complete high quality portfolio tasks.Chloe Adamo
6BNate ChapmanFor showing concentration and determination to complete his PAT Reading Assessment. Matilda Debono
6CIsabelle FowlerFor applying herself well to her reading assessment. Mckinley Wilson