
The Power of Words

The Power of Words

In our last newsletter, in the Principal's News, Steve spoke that we were targeting the inappropriate language we have been hearing from some students at school over the last few weeks, via our SEL lessons. 


With School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)  as our framework for developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture we believe that the most effective method of helping children to replace inappropriate behaviour is through education. By participating in a range of SEL (social and emotional) activities we hope that children come to understand the power of the words they choose to use.  


Social stories, picture storybooks, surveys, discussions and lessons will be used to explore this topic. The emphasis in the Junior School is on using kind words to one another, while Year 3/4 children are learning about the power of words and the power of politeness. 


We can draw from four of our HEART values when we are speaking about the topic of 'respectful language.' They include:


Below are a number of sites that might be interesting for parents if they wish to explore this topic a bit more. 

Connie Drossaert

Wellbeing Leader