
We celebrate Ascension, Reconciliation and Pentecost

Hello Everyone.


We have a busy couple of weeks coming up as we celebrate some important liturgical events in the Catholic calendar as well as prepare for the sacrament of First Reconciliation.


First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation

Some of our Year 4 students will be making their First Reconciliation next Thursday 9 June.  Four students from Holy Family have been preparing to receive this wonderful sacrament, and are fortunate to be joined by eight children from the Parish. 

As part of this preparation, all candidates and their families are invited to attend our Reconciliation Family Workshop this Thursday 2 June at 6 pm in the school library.

Fr John Prince will celebrate the sacrament with the children and we ask you to keep our students; Emil, Henry, Noah and Josephine in your prayers as they prepare to go to confession for the first time. 




Ascension of the Lord
Ascension of the Lord

Last Sunday we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord, remembering when Jesus went up to heaven, forty days after his resurrection. Sunday's Gospel (Lk 24:46-53)

doesn’t tell us how the disciples felt once Jesus “left them”. 

What do you think they would have said to each other? 

How do you think they would have felt?   

The Gospel says that the Lord was with the disciples as they preached the Good News. How do you think they knew that Jesus was with them? 

How do you know that Jesus is with you? How does Jesus make his presence known?  

A quote from St Frnces
A quote from St Frnces




Next Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, one of the most important feast days of the year that concludes the Easter season and celebrates the beginning of the Church.  Pentecost always occurs 50 days after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and ten days after his ascension into heaven. Pentecost is the celebration of the person of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus, who were gathered together in the Upper Room.



  • Why might Pentecost sometimes be regarded as the birth of the Church?
  • What was significant about the disciples being heard to speak in many different languages?
  • Have you ever had an experience of being aware of the Spirit’s presence/action?
  • Where in your life could you use the guidance and strength of the Spirit?


Prayer for Pentecost

May God light the fire in our hearts,   

May Christ be the light in our eyes, 

and may the Holy Spirit keep the flames 

always burning bright.  




Gospel Activities

I have attached some activities for both of these special days that you may like to print out and complete with your child/ren at home:


Ascension Sunday Activity Junior        Ascension Sunday Activity Senior


Pentecost Sunday Activity Junior       Pentecost Sunday Activity Senior



Pauline Moran

Religious Education Leader