GTAC Excursion

The forensic investigation skills of our Middle Years class, 'Biology You Need To Know', were put to the test last Wednesday. Our team of budding biologists and forensic investigators travelled down to Melbourne's Biomedical Precinct, where they visited the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC). Students were given the task of solving the crime of who killed Archie Whorling, the lead singer of The Fingerprints. Prime suspects included Polly Merase, Mark Okazaki, Harry Helicase, Ophelia Prime, Thermisch Taq & Lucy Lazerbeam. 



During their investigation, students were guided with the help of real-world scientists completing their PhD's at world renowned research centres, such as the University of Melbourne, Peter Macallum Cancer Centre, Royal Children's Hospital and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. 



A range of tests were completed over the day using a range of research grade equipment that the students would not usually have access to at school. To begin, the students conducted a Kastle-Meyer test to determine whether any blood was present in a sample found at the crime scene. Once blood was detected, students tested for the type of blood using a series of antibody identifying tests. The sample was found to be blood type A, a perfect match for Polly Merase & Mark Okazaki. 


Students then selectively examined DNA evidence that was found at the crime scene and compared it to fragments of the suspects DNA using the process of gel electrophoresis. They were able to identify that all samples perfectly matched Polly Merase. The crime was solved and Polly Merase was charged with the murder of Archie Whorling. Polly had previously had a relationship with Archie - jealousy was the likely motive.


The class had an excellent day and were incredibly respectful to the staff and scientists conducting the program at GTAC. The staff at GTAC cannot wait to have more groups from Beaufort Secondary College attend in the future.