Current Merit Ticket Count

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

At Staughton College, students are awarded Merit Tickets when they demonstrate positive behaviours consistent with our Staughton Student Matrix. 


This has been continuing over remote learning, with students being awarded merit tickets through XUNO.



Take a look at the current Merit Ticket Data below:

Congratulations to the students that have received the most Merit Tickets this round

Year 7: Jasmine Wilson (47 tickets)

Year 8: Leiham Good (37 tickets)

Year 9: Jacob Swanston (20 tickets)

Year 10: Tess Saliba (21 tickets)

Year 11: Jesse Azzopardi & Rwan Abdelaziz (14 tickets)

Year 12: Breeanna Nugara (16 tickets)

Merit Ticket Raffle Draw

Check out our Merit Ticket Draw from the past two rounds. Congratulations to all of the winners. You will receive your prize this week.

Term 1:

Year 7: Sophie Standford 7I

Year 8: Alaa Abueissa 8C

Year 9:  Chelsea Marsh 9H

Year 10: Elizabeth Grant-Myriskos 10F

Year 11: Brionny Muus 11A

Year 12: Holly Collins 12E


Term 2:

Year 7: Euan Barcena 7C

Year 8: Mitchell Grech 8E

Year 9: Yuriko Filitonga 9F

Year 10: Mata Iona 10D

Year 11: Alisa Chakik VC1

Year 12: Nick Krajinovic VC1