Education News

Return to school advice

During the learning at home period, school staff and parents helped young children understand that staying away from school and their friends was necessary to keep them healthy and safe. 

Students may now feel worried about whether it is safe for them to be back at school. It is important to talk to your students about how they feel about being back at school and to assure them that it is safe. Talking to young students in a clear and calm way will help them to feel safe and less worried. 

Tell students the facts, including that: 

• Schools are making decisions based on health advice.

• Everyone at school is going to make sure they are keeping safe, and there is plenty of soap/hand sanitiser at school so that everyone can wash their hands many times a day.

• The Government is keeping an eye on COVID-19 – if it starts to spread again, decisions about what we need to do to keep everyone safe will be made quickly. 

• If anyone at your school does feel sick, they will stay away from school until they feel better.

Students are allowed to sit next to their friends in the classroom and during group activities, as children like them usually do not get sick from COVID-19. 

There may be changes to normal school routines and processes, including drop off and pick up times. Please discuss this with your child and explain what will be happening for them at school.  There will be extra staff on yard duty.  These alternative processes may be unsettling for some students, who may already be anxious about leaving their parents/carers. Check Compass for regular updates.


Remote Learning News

In this, the last week of remote learning for the Year 3 to 6, the staff and students have lots to celebrate. As we transition back into On-Site learning the staff have been asking questions and evaluating our process. 

Questions such as ... What have we learned from remote learning?  What are our keepers? What were the challenges? What do you think?


The Seesaw Platform was embraced by the CSPS Community. Seesaw Data for the year to 02062020 for Cranbourne South Primary School


All Time Posts Added


All Time Comments Made on Student Work


All Time Likes of Student Work


All Time Visits by Family Members

Parent thanks

I think Mrs Anderson needs a special mention in the newsletter or a public thank you for all of her hard work. (as all the teachers do) She is amazing. Her videos have been great. You should check out today's video with her husband (puppet Grover) and her as Mrs Nosredna. We all had a chuckle and my daughter is really enjoying her Mrs Anderson work. She has put a lot of time and effort into making these lessons engaging and fun. We love it.

The staff spent a lot of time working on producing videos and lessons for the students over the remote learning period. Mrs Anderson herself made over 120!

Check out some of these videos of Mrs Anderson


Grover and Fern discuss 'er' suffix 


A Pug's Life - Miss Atherton


Semester 1 Reports and Parent Teacher Meetings

The Department of Education and Training released a statement re reporting for semester 1 2020.  Teachers will be writing an amended report.  At CSPS these reports will be released via Compass in Week 10 or 11. Parent – Teacher conferences will also be conducted, remotely via Google meet, on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th June, 4 - 6pm, recognition that schools have adopted revised teaching and learning plans for Term 2, schools must provide: a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 taught, a succinct descriptive assessment of student learning achievement, based on the Achievement Standards in the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and a comment on how the student has adjusted to the remote and flexible learning environment, with reference to the Personal and Social Capability curriculum. Please watch Compass for further information.

Zones of Regulation in FA

In FA we have been learning all about the Zones of Regulation. We have been enjoying listening to books in the ‘When I’m feeling...’ series and making our own emoji faces that demonstrate the emotions that belong to each zone. We have also talked about how we can help ourselves return to the green zone and be ready to learn if we are feeling low or heightened.

The ACE Foundation donated some lovely books to the Foundation rooms this week.  The students all enjoyed 'Clancy the Quokka' being read by Miss Tempone. The ACE Foundation are a non for profit organisation, supporting education across the City of Casey.  Thanks for the lovely donation.