From the Principal

Foundation to Year 2 Whole School Assembly with a difference.

Welcome to IPS. 

Welcome back Years 3 to 6.


Please note that  in order to accomodate the return of our Years 3 to 6 students, additions to the DROP OFF process and changes to the PICK UP process have been made and are outlined below. 


Please familiarise yourself with the new routine and read the entire document. If anything is unclear please phone the school office on 9499 1880.


Given our school's boundaries consist of three dead end streets our view is that the biggest chance of passing on any illness will be at drop off and pick up, and between adults


. We know our streets are congested at the best of times so previous driving habits will not serve anyone well. 


For the sake of your health and that of my staff I am pleading with you to not drive down Ailsa Grove, Tate Street or Lowe Street unless you absolutely have no alternative or hold a disability Permit. Instead consider parking behind Bryant Reserve or Coles Carpark or the Aquatic Centre or any number of local streets and walk your child to school.


The weather is unpredictable so make sure you have an umbrella because chances are you will be standing in the rain until the gates open. As children will be going straight to classrooms supervised from 8.45pm the gates will not be opened early.


Drop offs (For details see DROP OFF photo map)


Entry Gates remain the same for Foundation to Year 2. 


Year 3 enter from Ailsa Grove Gate 5. 


Year 4 enter from Lowe Street Gate 1. 


Years 5 and 6  enter from Waterdale Road Front Gate.


At Pick Up (For details see PICK UP photo map)


Foundation to Year 4s.


You will enter from  Ailsa Grove Gate and exit through the Lowe Street Pedestrian Gates.


At Pick Up (For details see PICK UP photo map)


Years 5 and 6.


You will pick up your child from the front garden of the school in Waterdale Rd.


In this scenario, pick up will lend itself more favourably to those who park at Coles and walk down the lane or behind Bryant Reserve.


Pick up times are staggered 3pm, 3.10pm, 3.20pm and 3.30pm and because the parent can wait inside the school grounds you will be easier to unite with your child and to quickly leave the area. 

School arrival and departure

DET advises that:


As the main risk of introducing coronavirus (COVID-19) to the school environment is from adults, close proximity between adult members of the school community should be avoided, particularly during school drop-off and pick-up.


This means that at our school:


As the main risk of introducing coronavirus (COVID-19) to the school environment is from adults, close proximity between adult members of the school community should be avoided, particularly during school drop-off and pick-up. 


Dots have been placed on the ground as visual reminders as well as signs on the gates indicating who can enter and where.


Driving in Ailsa Grove and Lowe Street is discouraged and should be restricted to those drivers with a disability permit.


Students who go home alone are expected to leave the school grounds immediately.


Children attending OSHC will go to / be supervised to OSHC at 3.25pm.


Older siblings will go to their youngest sibling’s class five minutes before their dismissal time. Remember students are dismissed at different times. 

(See Afternoon Dismissal Below).


Note all play equipment is off limits at pick up and drop off.


Please do not cross the line of cones (represented in red dotted line on the photo map).

Morning Drop Off

No student should arrive at school prior to 8:45am. No parent should enter the site without the permission of the Principal.


There will be no opportunity for students to use the play equipment at the beginning of school. 


Parents will be encouraged to  physically distance themselves during drop off and leave the area immediately.


Lowe Street Gate 1 –  Year Fours


Lowe Street Gate 2 – Year Ones  


Ailsa Grove Gate 3 – Foundation  


Ailsa Grove Gate 4 – Year Twos


Ailsa Grove Gate 5 – Year Threes


Waterdale Rd Front Gate – Year Five and Year Six   


Students with siblings from younger classes will be able to enter the same gate as their younger sibling, should they wish to. 


Students will move directly to their classrooms to be supervised by their teachers. 


Teachers will be in their classrooms at 8.45am.


Drop Off through the designated gates only.

Late arrivals and Early dismissals

Late arrivals – parents ring from the car or front gate (Waterdale Rd) and advise “student” is on his/her way in. Office staff will complete late pass documentation upon student’s arrival to office.


Early dismissals – parents call when they are out the front of the school (Waterdale Rd). Student comes to office, office staff walk child out to pick up gate and sight parent. Office staff will complete the paperwork.

Afternoon Dismissal

Parents will manage their own behaviour to ensure they are physically distancing during these pickups and leave the area immediately.


Please do not cross the line of cones (represented in red dotted line on the photo map).


All students will be dismissed at staggered times between 3pm and 3:30pm to a waiting parent or to go home by themselves with parent permission. 

(If students had been going home on their own pre COVID-19 you do not need to advise the school – these students will leave according to the first letter of their last name)


There will be no opportunity for students to use the play equipment at the end of the school day. Students attending OSHC will remain with their classroom teachers until 3:25 pm when they will be sent to OSHC. 


Older siblings will go to their youngest sibling’s class five minutes before dismissal. Remember students are dismissed at different times.


These times are:


3pm last names beginning in A to F


3.10pm last names beginning in G to L


3.20pm last names beginning in M to R


3.30pm last names beginning in S to Z


Parents of Foundation to Year Four


Remember to enter through the Ailsa Grove (Gate 3) near Foundation, distance yourself from the nearest adult and keep an eye out for your child(ren).


Once you have your child leave promptly through Lowe Street Gates (Gate 1 or Gate 2).


Parents of Years 5 and Year Six wait in the front yard of the school.


If they have a younger sibling they go to the younger sibling’s class 5 minutes before their dismissal. Students with siblings from younger classes will leave via the same gate as their younger sibling.


Year Five and Six students that do not have younger siblings but arebeing picked up will leave via the school’s front door on Waterdale Rd.


Year Five and Six students that do not have younger siblings and are not beingpicked up may leave via the school’s front door on Waterdale Rd or via Gate 4 Ailsa Grove by arrangement with Mrs Wright or Mr Kent.


If students have not been picked up by 3:45pm from the allocated meeting point they are to be sent to the office from where parents will be followed up and arrangements to pick them up will be made. If parents are unable to be contacted the student will be sent to OSHC. 


Pick up through the designated gates only.

In general


All students will be dismissed at staggered times between 3pm and 3:30pm to a waiting parent or to go home by themselves with parent permission. (If students had been going home on their own pre COVID-19 you do not need to advise the school).


We ask staff and parents/carers to observe physical distancing measures by not congregating in areas inside or around the school including at school gate entries and exits, throughways, etc.


To minimise interaction of students and adults within the school and at entry points we:


Encourage parents to ensure appropriate physical distancing behaviours at the correct school gate designated for your child.


Request that parents only enter the school grounds when essential to do so and to contact the school by phone or email where appropriate instead.


Encourage non-contact greetings.


Parents/carers are asked not to linger while picking up or dropping off students.


Please remember that staff supervising gates are doing their best in difficult circumstances and that we only have the best interest of you all at heart.


Download the COVID-19 Return to School Guidance document below. 

Updated 4th June 2020

Year 1 Reconciliation Week Activities at School.

Y1 - Rondelle
Y1 - Rondelle

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories and relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation. The week is framed by the anniversaries of two significant milestones in our reconciliation journey - the successful 1967 Referendum (27 May) and the High Court Mabo decision (3 June). The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2020 is'In This Together'.


Year 1s learning about indigenous culture and dance. Here they are learning a Kangaroo Dance with Mrs Blanas.

More from Year 1s "In This Together" video

OSHC - Out of School Hours Care.

With more children returning to school next week we need to know your child’s before care and after care booking arrangement  to plan our program accordingly. Edwina and Rekha (and the team) are very much looking  forward to welcoming your children back to OSHC. 

Bookings now open by email on  If you would like to speak with Edwina call 0417 528 584.

Canteen is open with a limited menu.

(Not for counter service at this time)

We are being very cautious with our back to school program including the tentative re opening of our canteen. Annette and Rita are keen to service the community but also understand the need to move slowly. 


Therefore, initially,  there will be a limited menu but no counter service. See the welcome back message from Annette and access the limited menu and ordering instructions on the canteen page of this newsletter.

Come share with us.

This week Year Four teachers  made two videos to let you know you have been missed.


Walking On Sunshine

Happy Dance

"Inside Ivanhoe" has proved a lovely way for the community to stay connected. 

Explaining COVID-19 to children.

Half the student population have settled back into the school's new routines and expectations and now we are about to welcome back the rest of our student body.

Here is a short video that explains COVID-19 in the form of a social story that might help children returning to school next week understand this virus and to see why our school has changed to help us all stay well.

Lost property

Congratulations to all the students and families because at the end of three weeks of onsite teaching and learning our Lost Property box is almost empty. That means that you have been looking after your property really well. Let's keep this up as it makes mums and dads job much easier as they cannot come on site to look for your things.


As a precaution all hall hire, sporting club use, chess, strings, Kelly dance - in fact all extra curricula activities have been suspended for the remainder of this term and will be reviewed at the beginning of Term 3.


For information about Victoria’s restrictions on sport and exercise, refer to the DHHS sport and exercise web page.


Please remember that some of the rules may prove inconvenient but it is important for all of us to adhere to the procedures that are in place.  The  consequences of failing to comply may very well lead to illness resulting, at best, in the backward step of closing our school for a significant period of time.


All the staff are looking forward to seeing you all next week.


Stay safe.


Thank you.

Mark Kent
