Term 2, Week 7

Home Learning

Home Learning

We have come to the end of our current Unit of Inquiry work, and also our Writing unit on Non-Chronological (Information) Reports. As next week is a four day week, we have created a mini-project for the students, which will allow them to demonstrate their learning for the term by creating an Information Report on an action of their choice. This is an assessment task for both the students' Unit of Inquiry work and their Writing work for this term. We are really looking forward to seeing what the students produce independently, which showcases all their skills, abilities and understandings from this past term's work.



Information about your child's Google Meet sessions will be posted on their individual class Google Classrooms. 



At the end of each day, we have asked the students to reflect on their work for that day. This will be through the Google Classroom and teachers will be using this information to help mark the school roll, to ensure all students are engaging with home learning tasks. If possible, please remind your child to complete this task. We  recommend setting an alarm reminder for 2:45pm.



This week, the students' reading work will be linked to their UOI/Writing project. They will be completing a research component, and then they will analyse the articles and websites they have found. They will look for the main points, facts and information form each article/website and then compare three of their choices. This will provide some direction and support for the students, as they prepare to write their information report. 




Students will be starting a large project this week which amalgamates their Reading, Writing and Unit of Inquiry. They will consolidate what they have learned about online researching strategies by gathering information for an information report. Students will choose their own topic which will relate to ‘Taking Action’ for our Sharing the Planet unit. Students will be given a success criteria for writing their information report to ensure they include all of the the language features required in the text. This is a summative assignment therefore students will be formally assessed against the success criteria provided. 


Write2Read Codes

Students will continue to practice 30 "codes" of the English language through watching videos uploaded by their class teacher. They will begin to learn about Rule 2 through the bootcamp" lessons. These lessons will run the same as the last two weeks. 


This week in mathematics, students will be able to solve problems using comparison of length. They will be showing working out and explaining strategies they used to help solve the problem. This will be an assignment, therefore it is important that student's remember to show full working.


Extension tasks and resources are also provided. 

Unit of Inquiry

This week, students will begin their summative assessment task that is linked to their unit of inquiry, writing and reading. They will conduct research into a topic that is linked to our 'Sharing the Planet' unit. They will research an action that has assisted their topic in depth. Students will have a research criteria they will follow that is stated on the slides for week 7. This is a summative assignment therefore students will be formally assessed against the success criteria provided. 


We encourage and celebrate student voice in Grade 6. If students have any concerns or questions, they can comment or post on either the whole cohort or individual class Google Classrooms. Teachers receive notifications when students post and will respond when possible. Students should also communicate questions and ideas relating to learning with each other using the two Google Classrooms. This will keep them connected and allow them to see each other's progress.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email your child’s teacher through compass. 


Children must have Google Classroom notifications turned on to ensure they are receiving communications from their classroom teacher and their peers. It would be useful if students checked the Google Classroom each day, both in the morning and again in the afternoon, to see if new information or tasks have been added.

Specialist Team

The Specialist team will be organising tasks for the students through their iNewsletter which can be accessed from here or the link the Specialists will send out each week.

Please contact Mrs Travis or Mrs Goosey if you have any questions. 

Hearing Unit

Parents of Hearing Unit students, please continue to refer to your child’s weekly HU program. Please contact your child’s Teacher of the Deaf with any queries.