
Watch something uplifting!

I think we are all due for a little pick me up so I am throwing down the challenge to everyone to make the effort to watch something uplifting this week. You can find something in your own preferred genre, but make sure it leaves you feeling upbeat and inspired.


For me right now it’s The Last Dance a doc-u-series on Netflix that looks at the career of Michael Jordan and his time spent playing for the Chicago Bulls.

I’m not really a huge basketball fan, but it gives you great insight into the players personalities, their struggles and the level of dedication it takes to truly be great.

We all need somebody to lean on!

So who is in your inner circle? Your network? The person you go to when things go horribly wrong. The person who makes you feel calm. The person who celebrates your successes with you.

And how long has it been since you have had contact with that person?

Last week was tough, I’m not sure exactly why that was, but when I stopped to think about what I would usually do in this kind of situation. I realised I hadn’t spoken to my person for weeks!!

Not cos I was mad at her, or not speaking to her, just because these damn restrictions had severed our regular contact.

I knew for my own sanity I needed to pick up the phone and make an effort to spend some time with my cheerleader asap. And we took the hounds too!


Often we are not in crisis, things haven’t gone totally off the rails, but we just need to be reminded that someone has our back and is there for us. You might offer that very same thing to that person or perhaps you pay it forward to someone else.

The point is though we all need someone, find your someone and make the effort to call your someone, now more than ever. Its amazing how a few simple words from the right person can settle our frantic thoughts.

Family Conflict?

Online story telling workshop

Online Palates