T.I.M.E (Music)

Performing Arts Online and back to School

This term we started making amazing performances online that began with a lot of great drawings, but quickly became amazing stories and videos of individual children at home acting with great joy! We have looked at so many elements of drama that have included;

  • Character: Being someone from a story, and trying to emulate their behaviours
  • Voice: Using our mouth shape, tongue, teeth, our pitch and face to make silly voices
  • Movement: Using the many muscles in our face to make different emotions and practicing it in front of the mirror. Just like the pictures of me below
  • Focus: Using our legs and faces to separate our emotions from our movement, using silly walks to demonstrate focus on particular parts of our walk
  • Tension & Conflict: To practice the serious acting of arguments and how to quench the tension they bring in to our performances
  • Space: Using the area around us to build a larger picture, or to compact our story

The children online made videos, pictures, and wrote amazing scripts for these elements that showed great understanding of the elements.


Since we have been back at school the children have enjoyed going through all of the elements again to get ready for some mini in class performances at the end of term to show off their new learnt skills.