Brookside OHSC

Camp Australia News


Hello Families and Friends, 


For this newsletter I will continue the theme of reintroducing the team. 


This is Sameera, she is the assisting Educator here at Brookside OSHC. Sameera has worked at the service for 1 and half years. Something fun you may not know about Sameera is she loves cleaning and re-organising rooms and houses  and uses her spare time to carry this out as a hobby with friends and family.


National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week is celebrated in Australia every year between May 27 and June 3, marking the anniversary of the 1967 referendum and the anniversary of the historic Mabo decision.


Welcome Back!!!


A big welcome back to the Preps, Year ones and Twos and their families. So far this week, we have prepared ourselves with the increasing numbers that we are expecting to receive over the coming weeks. Camp Australia has supported our team during this Global Pandemic and have implemented many effective strategies to ensure the health and safety of all our children, families and educators who use the service.


The team and I are still carrying out our COVID-19 safe practices in the service and will continue to do so to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all involved in the service and school community. 


We have been busy at Brookside Camp Australia with many fun programs and activities for the children which coincide with social distancing such as Simon says and Zip Zap Zoom.  Over the last 2 weeks children and staff have had their usual fun in the kitchen. A usual favourite recipe was the delicious Hummus and Crispy Bread. We made this recipe last Thursday for afternoon snack.


Homemade Hummus
Homemade Hummus

We are very pleased to welcome back all the familiar faces which we’ve missed dearly and would appreciate the support of families to ensure that if your child is showing any signs of sickness to please keep them at home.


For more information, you can have a chat with myself or any of our Educators. Alternatively, you may visit our website

 or contact our friendly Customer Care Team on 1300 105 343.