School News

Congratulations Pierce 

My reconciliation painting
My reconciliation painting

"During lockdown I got very creative with some isolation projects including painting, drawing and designing.  My mum got me lots of paint and canvases from 'I Found  It' and I have a wall in my house with all my art work on it.  I heard about reconciliation week from my Auntie and at first I thought it was reconciliation after coronavirus, but it was about reconciling with indigenous people through my eyes.  I thought the best way to make friends is to play sport, have picnics and go out in nature with animals, friends and family and I know aboriginal people respect nature, the ocean and animals." Pierce 


Water Fundraiser

On Thursday 18th of June we will be having a sustainability fundraiser with the theme: WATER. You may like to dress up as anything related to water e.g. blue, a fish, surfer, octopus etc. Each child will need to bring a gold coin donation. The funds raised will go towards a sustainability project at school. We can’t wait to see your costumes next week!