Teaching and Learning in 3E

Welcome to learning in 3E! It has been full steam ahead from the beginning of the year. The students have settled in tremendously well and have been setting high standards in all areas of the curriculum. As a class we love reading! During sustained reading each morning we read with enthusiasm and are often disappointed when it’s time to stop. The class has adapted to using Literacy Pro as a wonderful online resource. By using Literacy Pro, students can ensure they are reading good fit books and testing their comprehension by completing a quiz at the end of each book. As students pass more and more quizzes, they can earn themselves certificates which are presented during line up time and school assemblies. Many students in 3E were rewarded with Bronze and Silver certificates at our latest Senior School Assembly. Not only do we enjoy independent reading we have been loving the classroom novels that we have been reading together. Roald Dahl is always a favourite and we shared many laughs together when we read The Great Mouse Plot.
During the past two weeks the students have been putting their knowledge to the test by completing the NAPLAN assessments. Every student should hold their head up high as their efforts were first class! Each student applied themselves to the best of their ability and it was terrific to see so many students apply learned strategies to assist their answers. Further to this, well done to all the parents in the Grade 3 community. It was clear that many of you spoke with your children before they completed the NAPLAN assessments, and this went a long way to creating such a calm classroom.
Last but not least… Athletics Day! This day was an absolute blast! The students loved getting involved, cheering on their friends, being rewarded with ribbons and dressing in their house colours. I can comfortably say that the students achieved more than they thought they could, including somehow running 800m! It was terrific day for everyone and we can’t thank Mr Smith enough for his effort to organise the day.