Teaching and Learning in Prep V

Prep V have had a fabulous start at school this term! We have settled into the routine of being at school 5 days a week. So far we have focussed on how to be a great learner and to follow the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. The children have enjoyed the experience of investigative play each morning which has allowed them to interact with their peers, make friends, develop their social and language skills and learn through play and exploration.
In literacy, we have focused on the letter / sound relationship of s, t, a, p, i, m, f, b, c, k and g and rhyming words. The children made monkey masks for the letter m.
In numeracy, we explored common 2D shapes such as squares, triangles, rectangles and circles and about their similarities and differences (straight edges, number of corners, number of sides). We made shape people using 2D shapes.