Community News

Langwarrin Scout Group
On Sunday March 5 some of our local Scouts helped clean up Langwarrin at the Clean Up Australia Day initiative organised by the Friends of Langwarrin Outdoors and Waterways (FLOW) volunteer team. Rubbish was collected from Lloyd Park, Pindara, Boggy Creek and along Cranbourne Road. This activity contributes to environmental scouting badges.
If your child is interested in joining the 1st Langwarrin Scouting adventure, please contact our group leader:
Elisabeth Murdoch College School Tours 2023
Are you interested or do you know someone who is interested in enrolling their child at Elisabeth Murdoch College in the future? If so, the College is about to run the first of our school tours for 2023!!!
Our college tours are a great opportunity to experience our college in action, families will get to experience how the College operates daily.
You will be guided by members of our Leadership and Transition Teams and will have a chance to meet our students. All tours start at 9.30am from our main courtyard area.
We ask families who intend to attend a school tour to kindly book their chosen day via the TryBooking links below.
Term 1 Friday 27ᵗʰ January – Thursday 6ᵗʰ April
Monday 27ᵗʰ March 5.30-7pm
College open night (No booking required)
Term 2 Monday 24ᵗʰ April – Friday 23ʳᵈ June
Tuesday 2ⁿᵈ May
Additional information regarding upcoming tours and the College enrolment process for Year 6 to 7 as well can be found on our website under the enrolments tab.
Supporting Anxious Little Minds
This free online webinar will offer practical advice on how to support your young person to build resilience and reduce anxiety and will be facilitated by Wellbeing for Kids.
Date: Thursday, 20 April 2023
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Where: Online Zoom webinar (registration essential)
To register scan the QR code on the flyer below
or click here.