Principal's Report


Congratulations to all students who completed NAPLAN.  Whilst we know it is only a moment in time, I am proud that all children tried THEIR best. That’s all anyone can ask! 

I would like to thank Mr Balzary, our Year 3 teachers and our Year 5 teachers for the work that goes into implementing NAPLAN online. 


Prep Tours

Prep tours are beginning on 26th April.  If you know of anyone who would like to book in for a tour please direct them here: to see all dates and booking details. 


Athletics Day

Thanks to Mr Smith, the staff and parent helpers for making another aths day a success.  It’s a great part of our curriculum, however takes a fair amount of preparation. It is appreciated and I hope all students had a great time. 


School Council 

Congratulations to our 2023 school council executive team:

President: Tracey Mottershead

Vice President: Evie Reynolds

Treasurer: Zlata Lizars

Secretary: Emma Collins 


We appreciate your time and commitment to helping our school continue to improve. 


Next school council meeting is 10th May. 


Using Toilets Onsite


Student toilets are for LPS students only.  If any parent, toddlers, high school students etc need to use the toilet please come to the office as we have a toilet available for use. 


Under no circumstances are you to use student facilities. 


Second Uniform Sale

Is on tomorrow morning at the front of the school! All items $5, eftpos only.  Come and grab a bargain from 8.15 – 9.15am. 


Mr Mottershead

Many people may not realise the Mr Mottershead is not just a terrific Year 4 teacher but also a free-lance writer for the Herald Sun.  This week Mr M got his article on the back page of the paper.  This doesn’t happen too often, congratulations Mr M! 


Have a great fortnight.


Mark Moorhouse
