From the 1/2 Classrooms

The Ninja Warrior Challenge

As you know, our whole-school concept this term is IDENTITY. In Team 1/2 students have been learning about staying safe and taking responsible risks, expressing their emotions clearly, and dealing with conflict.  They have thought about and shared how they have changed in their life and reflected on how they will change in the future. 


We would like to thank our parents for all the help they have given with our students’ timelines in response to the subject of Getting Older. The timelines were a source of great excitement and success in the classroom, and answered the Essential Question “How have I changed and how will I change?”


Our Healthy Eating day, which you read about in our last newsletter, immersed our students in the concepts of staying safe and taking responsible risks and healthy food, and answered the questions of “How can I make sure I am always safe? And “What foods are healthy to eat?


Last week we had "Wellbeing Wednesday", which gave students four opportunities to monitor their emotional responses during different activities – listening to and drawing music, art, playing board games, and drama. These activities allowed for deeper discussion in answer to the question “How can I express my emotions clearly and deal with conflict?”


On Monday this week our students again experienced an opportunity to apply their learning on staying safe, taking responsible risks, expressing emotions clearly and dealing with conflict - The Ninja Warrior Health, Movement and Wellbeing incursion!  This program is designed to promote health and wellbeing through physical activity.  It combines high energy adventure, gymnastics and athletics. Our students competed in a safe challenging environment, set up in our Stadium. The benefits of participating in this activity also included the development of teamwork, coordination, discipline and focus, also topical for our students at the moment as we practice being Self-Managers. 



After the incursion, students were given the opportunity to reflect on what they had learnt. Some of their responses were:-
  • Sometimes we need to go slow and sometimes we need to go fast.  Liam, 1JT
  • How fast I am.  Lily 1JT
  • It is not always about winning.  Arthur, 1JT
  • Sometimes you hurt yourself. Be safe.  Max, 1JT
  • Something I learned was doing the right thing. Sebastian, 1MC
  • I learned about stepping on the stepping stone. Olivia, 1MC
  • Something I learnt is how to jump over the swirly thing.  Darcy, 1MC
  • Making sure I was being safe while I was running.  Alanna, 1MC
  • Be brave. Do it.  William, 2DF
  • Learning to be safe. Sportsmanship. Being responsible.   Makayla, 2DF
  • It's not always about winning. It's all about having fun.      Lucas C, 2DF
  • Winning doesn't matter. Allen, 2DF
  • To not step on the slide because you will fall and hurt yourself.  Olivia, 2DF
  • I learnt to play fairly.  Bosco, 2LP
  • Something I learnt was cheering my team and being safe. Ross, 2LP
  • Press the button and be nice in groups.  Priscilla, 2LP
  • I learnt that you an achieve anything you believe and everything is possible. Kira, 2LP


Team 1/2 Teachers.