Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom

We have had a busy couple of weeks in the PE classroom since our last newsletter! In the junior years, our students have been continuing to practise for cross-country while also undertaking various activities targeted at developing and refining fundamental movement skills. Meanwhile, our grade 3-6 students have continued to learn and hone their skills ahead of the Senior School Athletics Carnival, which will take place in Term 2. This focus will continue up until the carnival, providing each student with the skills and opportunity to do their best on the day.


Sports Events

This week the whole of BPPS shut up shop for the afternoon and migrated to Koonung Creek Reserve for our cross-country afternoon. What a fantastic afternoon it was! All the students who participated should be immensely proud of their efforts and attitude, regardless of the placing they came in their event. For those 9-13 year old students who finished in the top 10 of their respective events, the next step will be District Cross Country, which will take place in Term 2 on Friday 12th May. Happy training to these students and well done to all of the boys and girls who participated on the day! An extra shout out to the selfless parents, students and teachers who gave their time and energy to help with set-up/pack-up of the venue in the morning and after the event. Without this support events like cross-country can not happen so thank you all for your assistance!













Have a great week!


Mr. Wickham