Visual Art


Students in Foundation completed their primary colour books. They used three different tools (brushes, sponges and rollers) to paint a page in each primary colour. Then they learned about collage and found pictures of objects in the pirmary colours to collage in their books.

Grade 1 and Grade 2

Students in Grades 1 and 2 made stamps using cardboard strips. They could choose from materials like buttons, rope, shapes, corrugated board and cardboard and contemplated the print it will leave when using ink and paper. Next week they will use their stamps to make prints.


Grade 3 and Grade 4

Jeffrey L. Koons is an American artist recognized for his work dealing with popular culture and his sculptures depicting everyday objects, including balloon animals. He made quite a few balloon dogs out of stainless steel with a mirror-finish surface or with bright colours. 

Using a diagram, students drew their own balloon dogs, painted them in a bright colour, using thieir brush skills, and mounted them on bright coloured paper. They used Posca pens to create the illusion of highlights. 


Grade 5 and Grade 6

Students in Grades 5 and 6 are working on a project called 'The Museum Room.' They used one point perspective to draw a room, creating a 3D effect. The next stage involves  researching different art movements and selecting up to 4 well known artworks from  an art movement they find interesting. Students will then recreate the artworks they have chosen to include in their museum room drawing.