News from the 3/4 Team...

Healthy Lunchboxes

As part of the Team 3/4 ‘Get Active!’ inquiry unit for this term, we have been exploring the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about the importance of eating a balanced diet and the positive effects this can have on physical and mental health. Students have been introduced to the different food groups and have learnt about and identified different foods within each food group. Information on the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating can be found here. 

Using this information, they created their own healthy lunchbox. Students were asked to think carefully about which foods they would include in their lunchbox to reflect a balanced and healthy day of eating. 


Here are some of the ‘lunchboxes’ they created! Don’t they look delicious?


To further promote and reinforce the importance of eating a balanced healthy diet, on Monday 20th March we celebrated our own ‘Healthy Lunchbox Day’. The Team 3/4 students, with assistance from their families, were encouraged to carefully consider the foods they were packing for the day. There were lots of yummy healthy lunchboxes to be seen! 


We have been learning about healthy boxes at school and what might be in one. We had to draw what would be in a healthy lunchbox. To help us know what healthy foods we could include we had a look at the food pyramid and some examples of healthy lunchboxes. We enjoyed designing our healthy lunches! On Monday we had to bring a healthy lunchbox to school. We helped decide what would go in our lunchboxes with our parents. It made us happy, healthy and energetic! We enjoyed eating our healthy lunches. By Grace and Casper 3AT