Learning Matters

Every year, schools are required to put together an Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). This document outlines the priorities that the school is working towards to improve Learning and Wellbeing.


The 2023 Athol Road AIP consists of two key actions for the Learning improvement Strategy:

  • Develop a consistent approach to teaching phonological awareness from Foundation-Year 6 in Literacy.
  • Build knowledge and practice in the teaching of problem solving in Mathematics  with a focus on the development of technical language from Foundation-Year 6.

Staff are trialling a new structure and learning sequence for teaching phonics, which was developed in consultation with our Allied Health team. Students in Years 4-6 have been assessed to identify any gaps in their phonics knowledge and skills.


Staff are building on their professional learning over the last couple of years about the importance of teaching technical Maths language. In particular, every learning space is recording 'Key Words' during Maths lessons to make this language more visible to students. This understanding of language will be applied to assist students to solve problem solving tasks more confidently.