Key Dates

Scheduled Calendar Dates


Thursday 9th March                                          Year 5/6 Parent Information Session via WebEx

Friday 10th March                                              Rainbow Day, gold coin donation

Monday 13th March                                          Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 14th - Friday 17th March               Year 5/6 Coonawarra Camp

Wednesday 15th - Monday 27th March     NAPLAN, for Years 3 and 5 students

Friday 17th March                                               Assembly, parents welcome

Monday 20th March                                           Year 6 Aspire Higher Leadership Incursion

Tuesday 28th March                                          Curriculum Day, no school for students

Friday 31st March                                               District Athletics

Wednesday 5th April                                          School Photos

Thursday 6th April                                               Last Day of Term 1, students finish at 2:30pm