
Think strong, able, powerful



During the holidays Kuta-kaya received a wonderful gardening makeover. Since the start of the term students have been involved in a collaborative effort towards the upkeep of our veggie patch and garden beds, as well as collecting and cultivating Agapanthus seeds to be replanted around the faculty. Each morning students volunteer to water the garden and during our Work Skills lessons they weed, prepare and plant our patch, as part of our Faculty Improvement Program. We were also lucky enough to be gifted a mobile wooden garden bed made by our mainstream Technology classes, which makes gardening accessible for all our students. 



This year Pikan class made the decision to start up a Kuta-kaya Recycling Program to support sustainability. Each Friday students collect cans and bottles from all over the school and prepare them ready for deposit into the Return and Earn bins. Our collection of recycling is growing!  





During Week 6 our Year 10 students in Kuta-Kaya were involved in the Love Bites program that works to educate our young people on respectful relationships. Our students were challenged with critical thinking and decision making around relationship scenarios involving violence and abuse, situations that are very difficult for our youth to navigate. Students Mitchell McIntosh, Jayden O’Brien and Issiah Broxham were given the opportunity to communicate what they had learnt about relationship violence, types of relationship advice and what a positive relationship looks like. Students were super excited to create a Podcast with the Love Bites presenters! 

You can listen to their podcast soon on Spotify, just search “Lovebites Podcast” with Nicholas Bailey.