Hub Happenings

Year 7’s first day at Kurri Kurri High School                  - Mrs Sams HT Stage 4

What an exciting day it was for all the newest [and youngest] enrolments. Year 7 eagerly arrived before the school day and waited outside with their parents and carers. They all looked fabulous in their new uniforms and some with new bags and shoes. They all said their goodbyes, as mums, dads, grandparents and carers all got their “official” first day of year 7 photos and then walked into the school grounds. The group settled in quite quickly, as we done their first role and the students went to their hub spaces. Where they met their hub teachers.  


What a great bunch of kids, as they familiarised themselves with the school’s rules, routines and norms. The students then, participated in a school scavenger hunt. The students worked in groups to locate key areas around the school and completed challenges and riddles.  Then some students were allowed to use the high school canteen for the first time and explore all the great items we have on offer.  


It was so lovely to watch the students meet new teachers and friends. We hope they enjoyed their first day, and it results in a core memory for the rest of their lives.  


Project 1 Quest Hook Event. Chinese Cultural Infusion 


In week 5, year 7 students were fortunate enough to participate in their hook event presented by “Cultural Infusion”. The group delivered a variety of workshops such as: Kung Fu, Calligraphy and a Lion Dance. This was the kick start activity into their project where they will be learning about ancient China and film in their Quest subject. It was great to see so many students enjoying the activities that were provided and learning about Chinese culture and their traditions.  

The students thoroughly enjoyed their experience and were able to take some of that into their learning spaces. We look forward to providing more experiences like this to our students.